Objectives and structure of the workshop
Purpose Transfer results of the recent vulnerability assessment Answer the question: how could climate change affect national plans for fisheries and aquaculture? Identify priority adaptations to reduce risks and capitalize on opportunities
Background documents
Background documents
National plans Maximise economic benefits from tuna Provide fresh fish at low cost for a growing population Create more livelihoods based on fisheries and aquaculture
The challenge for food security Vanuatu Fish needed for good nutrition (35 kg per person per year) Vanuatu
What we will discuss Projected changes to atmospheric and oceanic conditions Ecosystems supporting fish Fish stocks/aquaculture species Implications for economic development, food security and livelihoods Adaptations and policies to reduce threats and capitalise on opportunities
Climate change scenarios Global emissions are tracking above A2 scenario A2 (High) B1 (Low) Year 2035 2050 2100
Vulnerability framework For effects of projected changes on fish habitats, fish stocks and aquaculture species
Likelihood and confidence Probability that a projection will occur based on expert opinion Scientific understanding in support of a conclusion
The programme – how we will work Session 2: Understanding projected changes to surface climate and the ocean 10h20 Observed and projected changes to surface climate 10h40 Observed and projected changes to the ocean 11h00 Breakout groups to discuss the ocean Part 1
Discussion points - breakout groups What did you find most interesting about the talk? Is there anything you did not understand clearly? What connection can you see to your work or livelihood?
The programme – important task Day 2 COFFEE & TEA: 10h40 – 11h00 11h00 Working groups to identify priority adaptations
Enjoy the workshop!