Rotary Showcase Share your Rotary success stories with the world!
Why use Rotary Showcase? Rotary Showcase is an online application that allows Rotarians and Rotaractors to share stories of their clubs’ successful projects with people around the world. Project stories are a source for features in Rotary International blogs and newsletters. Success stories posted on Showcase can serve as an inspiration and a model for other Rotary and Rotaract clubs. Search for projects by keyword, location, club name, district number, zone number, category (community service, international service, vocational service, New Generations, Fundraiser, Polio), area of focus (basic education and literacy, disease prevention and treatment, maternal and child health, peace and conflict prevention/resolution, water and sanitation), or whether it was funded the The Rotary Foundation.
How to post projects to Rotary Showcase? Any Rotarian or Rotaractor who signs in with their My Rotary account can post projects to Rotary Showcase. To be able to post, go to My Rotary, and under Take Action, click on Rotary Showcase. Search for projects by keyword, location, club name, district number, zone number, category (community service, international service, vocational service, New Generations, Fundraiser, Polio), area of focus (basic education and literacy, disease prevention and treatment, maternal and child health, peace and conflict prevention/resolution, water and sanitation), or whether it was funded the The Rotary Foundation.
Rotary Showcase | Add a Project When you sign in, you will see your name and the “Add a new project” link.
Rotary Showcase | Steps of Adding a Project 3 1 2 Add your project to Rotary Showcase in a few easy steps to share the work you, your club and your project partners have accomplished. Once you select “Add a new project”, you’ll be prompted to complete a few required field about your project: title, overview, location, dates, and category. You can also add pictures and videos highlighting your project, along with partners, funding sources, tags, external links, and project impact. The Impact tracker shows the contributions for this specific project – which will be aggregated with other club/district projects in Rotary Club Central and aggregated on Rotary Showcase for worldwide impact of Rotary. If you don’t have all the information as you’re adding your project to Rotary Showcase, you can still publish the project with the information you do have and then come back and add/edit details.
Rotary Showcase | Share Your Rotary Showcase Project Sharing your project on Rotary Showcase increases the visibility of the work your club or district is undertaking locally and around the world. The site allows you to post your project on various other websites, further increasing the visibility of your work to the Rotary Family and beyond. The simplest way to expand a project’s visibility is to use the automatic Facebook application which prompts you to post your new project on your Facebook page. This posting can then not only be viewed on your Facebook page, but also shared with “friends” and reposted. The Share app, located in the upper right corner of the site (+ share), allows you to post your project on multiple other social media sites such as Twitter, Tumblr and Pinterest. Lastly, you can link to your project page from your club or district website as well as newsletters. By sharing your work through Showcase you reach a broader audience to generate interest in your projects as well as club membership. Volunteering is a key aspect of what draws people to Rotary, and Showcase highlights this characteristic on the web.
Rotary Showcase | Browsing Projects Search for projects by specific criteria: Or by browsing all projects in the system: Search for projects by keyword, location, club name, district number, zone number, category (community service, international service, vocational service, New Generations, Fundraiser, Polio), area of focus (basic education and literacy, disease prevention and treatment, maternal and child health, peace and conflict prevention/resolution, water and sanitation), or whether it was funded the The Rotary Foundation.
Resources Check out the course on the Learning Center called “Developing and Promoting Your Service Project” where you can learn how to use Rotary’s online tools to support your service projects, including how to use Rotary Ideas and Rotary Showcase. Learning Center link:
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