Anatomy & Physiology Mr. Brewer
COURSE DESCRIPTION: This course is intended for students who express a high interest in science, particularly biology. The major topics covered will include anatomy and physiology of the human body. Lectures, laboratory work (including dissections), and independent research projects are all integral parts of the course.
Required DAILY Materials: Materials required for the class include: Textbook Pen/Pencil Colored pencils Three-ring binder (small binder, for A&P only) Students will be responsible for bringing their materials to class every day. Class materials and handouts should be kept in the three-ring binder in an orderly fashion. Binders will be checked during tests for their contents!
CLASSROOM EXPECTATIONS: Rules of Douglass High School are located in the student handbook. Students are expected to follow these rules in and out of my classroom. The following statement, I feel, covers what I expect from you in class. Do not keep me from teaching Do not keep others from learning
Rules: Be on time to class-be in seat when bell rings. Arrive with necessary assignments and supplies required for the day (i.e. paper, pen, notebook, etc.) Pay attention and do not cause any disruptions. No food or drink (bottled water is the only exception). Never enter the chemical storeroom without permission. Stay in the classroom area, do not go to the lab area unless instructed to. These are not all the rules, but are a good guideline.
Assignments: Assignments should be turned in with your name, date, and hour on the right hand corner. If the assignment is given as homework it is due at the beginning of the hour unless stated otherwise. Late work will not be accepted without my prior consent. If you truly need an extension, I am likely to give you one. If you wasted the class period, don’t ask.
Electronic assignments Often times you will be expected to email me assignments. Due dates and times are the same as paper work. I DO NOT accept work turned in after this time (i.e. while I am lecturing.) If you have a computer problem, I may give you one pass (depending on the assignment.) It is YOUR responsibility to get your computer to the tech. lab if you are having problems.
Extra Credit: My thoughts on extra credit are that you should have enough opportunities for points without doing extra work. There are, however, two exceptions. Bring me a science related comic strip out of the paper. (I will only take one of each strip, and you may only use this once a semester) 10 pts A 4 page paper of my choosing to replace a test grade.
Absences: If you do not know that you are going to be absent, get with me at the beginning of the hour when you return. It is not my responsibility to find you. By school policy, you have the number of days that you were gone PLUS ONE DAY to get all your make-up work completed. This includes exams, quizzes, and daily assignments. If you miss a lecture, it is your responsibility to get lecture notes from another student.
Academic Honesty: I have absolutely no tolerance for cheating. I have a knack for distinguishing stretching from copying off your buddy. You will be given a zero on the assignment/quiz/test if caught and your parents will be notified. Assignments are to be done on your own unless I okay partner work.
Dissection: Lab work in A&P is a major portion of the overall grade. Students are expected to perform dissections in this class as a part of the lab. Failure to perform dissections will result in the failure of the class. If you have a problem performing dissections, now would be the time to reevaluate your enrollment in this class.
Time Commitment: A&P can be a difficult course if you don’t take the time to learn. Use classroom time wisely. Get your work done in class and socialize after school.