Welcome to Back to School Night! Mrs. Bonelli-Room 119
Arrival to School Do not arrive earlier than 8:15 a.m. First bell 8:25 a.m. School begins at 8:30 a.m.
Bonelli Bucks Rewards Store
Conferences If at any time you need to speak to or meet with me please send in a note with your child, leave me a voice mail or email me. Once I receive your correspondence I will happily set up a date and time. When the children are entering or leaving the building is usually not a good time because the day is beginning or ending and the children require my attention. I am available before school ( 8:10-8:25 a.m.) and after school by appointment only.
Important Information Folders Please check your child’s folder EVERY night. Please put any papers which you have for me into the folder on the right side. This folder is the greatest communication for the parents and the teacher.
Homework Planner Please check your child’s Daily Planner each night for homework assignments. Assignments will change from night to night. Reading every night is important! Reading Log and Reading Response If a homework assignment is missing, there will be a missing assignment slip which comes home. The slip will note the assignment which is missing and will require a signature at the bottom.
Absences and Class Work If your child is absent from school I will gladly leave his/her work in their mailbox or on their desk. New Milford policy states that homework or class work will not be sent home if your child is absent for one day. If your child is absent beyond one day you can request the work by calling the main office in the morning, before the start of the school day. It is the student’s responsibility to complete and hand in the work. Of course there are always extenuating circumstances which will be handled on a case by case basis.
Spelling and Math Spelling runs in 5 day cycle. Every other week. WILL NOT ALWAYS START ON MONDAY! Everyday Math program. Spiral program. Family Letter and Home Links My Reference Book
Reader’s Workshop Teach reading using “just right” books because not all books are one size fits all. No standard tests, but ongoing assessments will drive our instruction. Assessments identify needs. Will still be working on all skills, such as decoding, fluency, and comprehension.
Lunch Time If your child is going home for lunch please meet them at the main entrance at 11:35 a.m. and promptly return at 12:30 p.m. Our recess time is after the children eat. Please be advised that the office WILL NOT accept lunch envelopes after Tuesday each week. I will make an announcement for envelopes to be put in the basket in order to be sent down to the office. If your child does not put the envelope in the basket he/she will not receive hot lunch the next week and lunch will need to be provided from home.
Birthdays Each child may celebrate his/her birthday on that special day. If your child’s birthday lands on a weekend please check with me to see when would be a good time to celebrate. Please refer to “new” snack policy. Please do not send in any items that need to be cut and served or poured.
Contact Information Mrs. Bonelli’s e-mail: mbonelli@newmilfordschools.org Mrs. Bonelli’s Phone Number: (201) 261-0939 Ext. 5119
Before you leave… Write a letter to your child. Check out the Wish List. Check out the classroom. Reminder: Parent-Teacher Conference Sign up.