April 25, 2014 Meeting & Entertainment Town Hall
2 Agenda BearBuy and Catering New Catering and Meeting & Entertainment Process – Whats New – Whats Changed – What Remains the Same Catalog Shopping Preview Project Update
3 BearBuy and Catering UCSF has over 10,000 catering events; spending over 10 million dollars per year. Catalogs provide simple, automated process for ordering and paying for goods and services from frequently used suppliers. We are adding a catering catalog for campus users to improve the ease of ordering and paying for these services. Launching at the end of April or May.
4 BearBuy Catering Process America To Go: A punch-out catalog with over 30 local restaurants and caterers delivering to UCSF locations. Meeting and Entertainment Payment Request form in BearBuy: For payments to caterers delivering to UCSF. Meeting and Entertainment Approvals in BearBuy.
5 Who is in the Catalog?
6 What if I want to use a caterer outside the catalog? Ask Caterer to join the America To Go catalog. Department Responsible for ensuring: – Caterer has current and satisfactory licenses and permits. – Caterer provides Insurance naming UCSF as additionally insured. Use new Meeting and Entertainment Form. – Based on discontinued paper CRÈME form. – Form automatically routes to M&E approvers. – The caterer will be paid after all approvals, including AP.
7 Changes to Meeting & Entertainment Approval in BearBuy New Meeting & Entertainment approver role created for BearBuy. Existing Meeting & Entertainment approvers have been setup with new M&E approver role in BearBuy. Any new Meeting and Entertainment Approver will need to: – Complete a System Access Request. – And send a Signature Authorization form (U-242) to
8 Whats Unchanged with Meeting & Entertainment Process Exceptional Approval: Remains outside the BearBuy system using paper forms. – Attach approvals to Catalog orders and forms. Facilities Request Forms must still be used for off-campus events or when a contract requires a signature. AP will review the M&E Payment Request Form prior to release of payment. Moffit Catering is available on the BearBuy website for ordering.
9 What about Catering through Campus Life Services? Love your Vendor. Buy on Campus. Support Arts and Events by selecting On-Campus Vendors in the America To Go Catalog. Partial proceeds fund UCSF Arts and Events programs. Catering Charge program ENDS when the Catalog goes live.
10 America To Go Catalog Searchable menus, including downloads. Saved favorite orders. Catalog calculates per person costs. Approved Caterers with insurance on file. order confirmation. Love Your Vendor: On-Campus Vendors are easy to find and support. 24x7 telephone support from America To Go.
11 Catalog Shopping in BearBuy Landing Page Planning an Event. Selecting a Caterer. Campus Compliance Requirements. Confirming Orders.
12 Catalog Landing Page
13 Planning for an Event Provide the date & time for delivery under Order Time. Allow time for your assigned M&E Approver to approve the order before the event.
14 Select a restaurant or caterer Once you set a delivery time, a list of available and approved vendors will appear Click the logo and the ORDER NOW button to view the menu. Click on a vendors name to view more information
15 Campus Compliance Requirements Provide required information: Number of Attendees Calculates per person cost Meal Type Activity Type Alcohol Additional Approvals required Host Name Business Purpose Attach Guest List
16 Confirm your order Review Order Summary. – Caterer – Date/Time – Items – Type of Activity – Per Person Costs Return Order to BearBuy for M&E approval.
17 Next Steps Do you have the correct role? – Who purchases and who approves catering? – Identify participants for training in BearBuy. Take Recommended Training – Entertainment Approval and Form Training for M&E Approvers on the Controllers website. – America To Go Catalog Training for Requesters and Shoppers on the BearBuy website. Use America To Go at the earliest opportunity.
18 Additional Resources America To Go Frequently Asked Questions ca_To_Go_FAQs.pdf ca_To_Go_FAQs.pdf BearBuy Procurement and Newsletter signup: Controllers Office Newsletter signup: #how_sign_up_mail_list #how_sign_up_mail_list Business 79, Meetings and Entertainment Policy: BearBuy Training Materials: Meeting & Entertainment Payment Request Form Training:
19 Campus Contacts For questions about America To Go: Stacey Templeman, Catering Project Lead: For questions about catalog caterers or tasting events: Carolyn Greer, America To Go Account Manager, For questions about Meeting and Entertainment Policy: For questions about using BearBuy:
20 Any Questions?