the data in a new national survey show that the majority (67%) of American adults use at least three different types of media every week to get news and information about their local communityand 15% rely on at least six different kinds of media weekly
On Twitter the year age bracket is the fastest growing demographic with 79% growth rate since The fastest growing demographic on Facebooks and Google+s networks are the 45 to 54 year age bracket at 46% and 56% respectively and Twitter also had 44% growth from June 2012 to March 2013!
Americans aged who use social networks say they spend an average of 3.2 hours per day doing so When the Red Cross recently used Mobile to raise funds for Haiti (in $10 increments), almost $5 million was raised in less than 48 hours; to-date, more than $30 million has been raised – all via Mobile. While 65 percent of is spam, less than 10 percent of SMS is.
The chart came from a report commissioned by SinglePoint titled Conversational Advertising and prepared by mobileSQUARED. The chart was based off a number of data points collected during 2009/2010 from some of the largest messaging infrastructure/service providers in both the U.S. and Europe.SinglePointmobileSQUARED
Social Media Benefits Tools HootSuite Facebook Tips Twitter Short URLs
In any given day, I might interact with a friend like this: o respond to an about plans to get together for dinner o send an instant message to suggest a different restaurant o text her to alert her to a new dish on the menu o tag her in a Facebook status update about how I'm looking forward to dinner o call her on the way to let her know I'm running late o talk face-to-face at dinner o tag her in a tweet about how the restaurant was great even though I was stressed about having left my wallet at home o Post a photo on Instagram of what your meal looked like o Go home and find a similar recipe on Pintrest o write her a handwritten note to thank her for paying And all of this happens fairly seamlessly - to the two of us, it's just one big long conversation even though each piece of it happened using ten different communication methods - or "channels." Surround-Sound Marketing – people are getting information from multiple channels (website, , mobile, Facebook, telephone, etc.)
Social Media Benefits Tools HootSuite Twitter Short URLs Facebook Tips
Centralized Coaching Strategy : Whats New in 2014? Everyone participating in September/October series Messages will not be sent on same day in order to prevent system overload No break in calendar during after fall 1 engagement and 1 recruitment each month until 4 weeks before event date Divisions to provide templates and suggested calendar for final 4 weeks
Interesting… Divisions that scheduled college events through central communication had 10% more registrations per event and 28% more online revenue than those that did not schedule through central communication s are still editable!
First Message Send Date: 9/12 Early Bird Discount announcement Participants registering between Sept 12 and Sept 26 receive a 50% discount! Participants must use the provided code to receive discount. Discount will be available to divisions wanting to provide it earlier.
National Engagement s Newsletters sent to ACS Constituents on a national level National/Master Communications Calendar Found on the link Be sure to check it when sending out s. Determine what s you want to see
Sending s through Convio/Blackbaud Strategically written Its the law! Check out the CAN SPAM law for more details. Easily target specific groups – lapsed donors, $0 participants, etc. Making the ask
How do I send an ? Using Conditionals & Filters Personalize your s