GENERAL MEDIA OFFER Effective from 1st January 2014 is the most visited cultural website of Hungary The purpose of the page is to fully introduce leisure and cultural programmes in Hungary The size of its database is uniquely large on the Hungarian market: – 203 TV Channels detailed programes – films – people – locations Due to its theme, the site has a large reader-base from the younger generations 2 since 1996
CHANGES as of 1st January 2014, the adspaces of are exclusively sold by CEMP Sales House* restructured page layout IAB Standard banners lower media-clutter larger reach strong integration new in Q *for Media agencies only
AVERAGE DAILY REACH 4 Source: Ipsos - Gemius SA: gemius/Ipsos Fusion Data, average of January-March 2014 (15+ domestic audience) average real users a day
5 Source: Ipsos - Gemius SA: gemius/Ipsos Fusion Data, (15+ domestic audience)
AUDIENCE 6 female (aff 102) 52% years old (aff 106) 75% urban* (aff 124) 53% have a degree (aff 148) 30% are members of socio- economic AB (aff 148) 27% intellectual worker (aff 135) 34% *Budapest or other county capital Source: Ipsos - Gemius SA: gemius/Ipsos Fusion Data, (15+ domestic audience)
MAIN COLUMNS television channels detailed program TV detailed nationwide cinema program and the largest hungarian film database (~ film) Cinema detailed nationwide theater program with valuable archives Theater music, theater, film, tradition and gastronomy festivals nationwide Festival nationwide music program by genres Music nationwide program of museums, galleries, exhibiton places Exhibition child programs (cinema, theater, festival, exhibition, concert, sport, etc) throughout the country Child 12 radio stations detailed program Radio almost accomodations/restaurants categorized database Restaurant
8 1.
9 1 Half page/Filmstrip and sidekick cant be ordered on same day 2 Only on TV article pages BANNER DAILY PRICES Surface front page Cinema TV Leaderboard (under header, 970x90 px or 728x90 px) HUF HUF HUF Half page/ filmstrip 1 (300x600 px) HUF HUF HUF 2 Roadblock (640x360 px) HUF HUF HUF LeaderboardLeaderboard Half page RoadblockRoadblock
10 1 Frequency capping: 1 user/day. Advertisement appears in an opened position, closes upon click. When closed, a stripe remains, what can be reopened. Collapsing billboard and leaderboard cant be ordered for same day on same site/column. Collapsing billboard and pushdown is served from one zone. 2 Frequency capping: one user/day 3 Frequency capping: 1/user/day. Creative automatically, push es down the sites content. Every other time it expands on click. Leaderboard cant be ordered for same day on same site/column. 4 Automatic play of creative is available. Slipping in site height: max. 600 px. Rich media formats cannot be ordered on same day and site/column. Creative front page Cinema TV Collapsing billboard 1 970x250 px 970x31 px HUF HUF HUF Pushdown 3 970x415 px 970x90 px HUF HUF HUF Interstitial 2 970x550 px, 8 sec HUF HUF HUF XL layer 2 max. 970x550 px, 8 mp HUF HUF HUF Sidekick 4 300x250 px or 300x600 px 970x550 px HUF-- RICH MEDIA FORMATS DAILY PRICES (1)
RICH MEDIA FORMATS SAMPLES 11 Collapsing billboard XL layer Pushdown
12 1 Frequency capping: 1 user/day automatically, later It can be reopened from medium rectangle or halfpage. Min. ordered quantity: 2 days, which have to be released the same month. 2 Halfpage appears on every subpage of Cinema column. Rich media formats cannot be ordered on same day and site/column. Creative front page Cinema opening site Flipside 1 + Medium rectangle 300x250 px + max. 640 px width, graphic scale 16: HUF - Flipside 1 + Half page 300x600 px + max. 640 px width graphic scale 16: HUF HUF 2 Flipside 1 + Full-screen sponsoration + Super leaderboard + Medium rectangle 300x250 px + max. 640 px width, graphic scale 16:9, super leaderboard: 970x90 + Full-screen sponsoration HUF - Flipside + Full-screen sponsoration + Super leaderboard + Half page 300x600 px + max. 640 px width, graphic scale 16:9, super leaderboard: 970x90 + Full-screen sponsoration HUF HUF 2 RICH MEDIA FORMATS DAILY PRICES (2)
14 SPONSORATION OPPORTUNITIES Creative full site* front page Cinema every page TV opening TV subpages Full-screen sponsoration + super leaderboard unique HUF /day HUF /day HUF /day TV device sponsoration unique HUF /week Photo gallery XL sponsoration 950x410 px, static HUF /week hours program sponsoration background colour ** + roadblock on every TV subpages*** HUF / day - Channel sponsoration unique HUF / week - Virtual channelunique HUF / week - * every column, except Exhibition ** Background colour can not contain graphic elements (logo, product, etc.) *** Can be ordered with super leaderboard (970x90 px) and 970x250 px size too.
SPONSORATION SAMPLES (1) 15 TV device sponsoration Photo gallery XL sponsoration Full-screen sponsoration
SPONSORATION SAMPLES (2) 16 Virtual channel20 hours program sponsoration
ADVIEW (AV) BASED ADVERTISING PRICES 17 package Surface: full site Creatives: super leaderboard, medium rectangle, roadblock B 1 CPM: HUF 2 Cultural package Surfaces:, Dívány, Index Kult, civil blogs culture category Creatives: super leaderboard, medium rectangle, roadblock B 1 CPM: HUF 2 1 Minimum two creative formats are needed for the campaign 2 Cost per thousand adview (AV) In case of unique surface mix: HUF/CPM.
MOBILE BROWSER + APPLICATION ADVERTISING OPPORTUNITIES Surface: mobile browser and mobile application (iOS, Android) Creative and list price: Size: 480x120 px or 480x240 px 1 Banner A mobile browser ( front page + article pages 2 + TV application pages List price: HUF/CPM 19 1 Static and aniimated picture (jpeg, png, gif) format is supported. Flash (swf) format is not supported on mobile versions. Max. file size : 80 kB. 2 Creatives dont appear on thematic supplements. mobile browser mobile application Banner A
Roadblock mix Format: 640x360 px Surfaces: 1 Index, Sport Géza, Totalcar, Velvet, Dívány, (roadblock A, photo gallery roadblock), editorial blogs Inda services:, Indamail logout page, Indavideó front page, Index Forums front page Listaár: Ft/CPM 2 Half page mix Format: 300x600 px Surfaces: 1 Index, Index 2, Sport Géza, Totalcar, Velvet, Dívány,,,,, Indamail logout page Listaár: Ft/CPM Tablet advertisements appear on the releases desktop surface for example. etc., except adult content 2 Cost per thousand adview (AV) TABLET ADVERTISING OPPORTUNITIES ROADBLOCK AND HALF PAGE MIX
TECHNICAL INFORMATIONS Banner releases: Sponsoration appearances: 21
Prices do not include appearance on seasonal sections of publications. VAT not included. CEMP Sales House reserves the right of changing rate cards. The pictures in the offer are illustrated. The estimated datas in this offer was determined by results of gemius Online Publishers' Audit, gemius / Ipsos Audience and Adverticum NG. The informations included in the offer are the property of a CEMP SH Ltd., Ltd. and Közép Európai Média és Kiadó Ltd. (CEMP). Parties hereby undertake to keep all and any data and/or information constituting Trade secret strictly confidential and not to make such information public or disclose to third parties, nor to allow third persons to have access thereto unless expressly agreed to by the other Party in writing. Otherwise the recipient of the offer acknowledges the fact that Zrt or any member of the CEMP Group has the right to ask restitution from them or the third party, in case of unauthorizedly sending or using the informations. 22