Julie Turnipseed, CMSM
1. Broad-based public and private support 2. Vision and mission statements 3. Comprehensive work plan 4. Historic preservation ethic 5. Active board and committees 6. Adequate operating budget 7. Paid, professional program director 8. On-going training for staff & volunteers 9. Reporting of key statistics 10. Current member of the National Main Street Network
Sell the program: – Rotary – Lions Club – City Council Get your community excited about the Main Street Program
They are the backbone of a successful Main Street Program They are the vehicle for the board to implement your programs work plan
They provide the people who actually implement activities They provide a structured framework that allows volunteers throughout the community to become actively involved in the downtown revitalization process They enable members of many groups with a stake in downtowns future to work together to accomplish common goals They help develop new leadership to sustain the revitalization effort for years to come
Promotion: – Retailers – Restaurant Owners – Media Representatives – Customers – School Employees – Civic Group Volunteers
Design – Architects – Building Owners – Retailers – Historic Home Owners – Historic Preservation professionals
Economic Restructuring – Bankers – Retailers – Investment – Real Estate Agents – CPAs
Organization/ Fundraising – Fundraising professionals
Where can your committees receive training? – National Main Street Center – National Town Meeting – Kentucky Main Street – Local Program Manager
Committee: Organization Priority Tasks and Goals Volunteer Recognition Anticipated Results/Measure of Success To create an event to recognize WMS Volunteers Board Approval/Date 6/11 Team Leader: Jason Elkins, Katie Scully Team Members: Michelle Hoskins, Roy Millen and Julie Action StepsTime Frame (contemplation) People Responsible Budget Amount Follow-up Secure location1/11Julie0 Send out invitations1/11Julie0 Food1/11Katie0 Entertainment1/11Roy Awards/Recognition1/11Jason
How to engage your volunteers and keep them engaged? Putting together a work plan that will keep your volunteers interested and coming back Two types of work plan development: – Board driven – Committee driven
Goals Objectives Projects Tasks Time Tables Responsibility Budget
Each Committee chair should serve on the Board of Directors Designate a volunteer to keep minutes at each meeting Committee chairs should come to each meeting with an agenda Committees should meet on a monthly basis Either the committee chair or the program director should send out meeting notices two weeks in advance and then a reminder the week of the meeting
Knows and supports the Main Street Approach Has a genuine desire to serve on the committee Keeps an open mind about new ideas Has basic understanding of the economic circumstances of small businesses in downtown Cooperates willingly in a team effort Roll up their sleeves and pitches in to do the committees work
Has skills or interest in the committee on which they are serving Expresses self clearly, and eagerly exchanges ideas with others Thinks about the big picture, while concentrating on the details
A clear agenda Start and finish on time A good facilitator/leader Agreed-upon ground rules Assembles the right people in the room Active group discussions Reaches conclusions