1 of Audience Survey Results Larry D. Gustke, Ph.D. – October 5, 2013
2 of Audience Survey Results Internet based survey Invitation to participate was made in different ways Core of 22 questions – option to add or delete questions Number of participating Productions Number of Respondents Three1,600
3 of Audience Survey Results The Lost Colony Horn in the West Serenbe Playhouse
4 of 25
10 of 25
11 of 25
12 of 25
13 of Audience Survey Results How many people were in your party seeing this production? Party Size – Typical Adults = 2.0 Children 1-5 Years old = Years old = 1 Young Adults 13-8 years old = 1
14 of 25
15 of 25
16 of 25
17 of 25
18 of 25
19 of 25
20 of 25
21 of 25
22 of 25
23 of 25
24 of 25
25 of 25