Unique Platform for restaurants to connect with their local communities and - Increase Your Profits Fill in tables and increase table turn-over Build customer relationship Create News and Media Buzz for special events. Crave Code ONLINE MARKETING PLATFORM
W HAT I S C RAVE C ODE CRAVECODE is a powerful tool to help Restaurant Owners Drive in New Customers Increase Table Turnover Build Customer Relationships Increase Profits From a craving customer to a satisfying meal: we will market your restaurants unique aspects in a fresh and cost effective way. CraveCode provides a software platform for our partners to provide discounted digital certificates. Unlike PDF coupons and other static promotions, digital certificates are easy to use. They are highly interactive and offer readers several options for redeeming that offer. Partners can generate 20–40% more revenue with digital certificates. Currently the market for digital deals is estimated at close to Rs. 25 Crores and is expected to rocket in the short- term.
Restaurants are going Online worldwide and experiencing an average increase of 20-40% in revenue. They are partnering with professional services to reach a whole new customer base. In USA: Website- The above website currently has partnered with 18,000 restaurants all over USA. Profits generated by these restaurants after partnering, are as below (as per their website) – Greek Restaurant in ILLINOIS French Restaurant in BOSTON Tables Filled : 284 Tables Filled : 348 New Profits : $11,401 New Profit :$10,988 Customers : 709 Customers :1043 In UK: Website: Currently partnered with 8,000 Restaurants all over UK Website: Partnered with 1180 Restaurants all over UK Also Countries like ITALY and SOUTH AFRICA show similar trends: Italy: South Africa:
I NDIAN M ARKET T RENDS In INDIA: Digital coupons: the new sales tool; TNN Sep 1, 2010, 04.05pm IST KOLKATA: Bargain hunters in Indian cities are flaunting a new tool: digital coupons. Digital copycats of the same old coupons that you used to cut out from paper and produce at retail outlets to avail special discounts are getting popular among marketers looking to cash in on rising use of mobile and internet in the country. The market for coupons is estimated at close to Rs 25 Crores and is expected to rocket in the short-term. Indians today are already using internet for deals and bargains. Various sites such as and are a good example of working digital coupons online. Businesses are taking fullwww.sosasta.com Advantage of this new digital tool. Number of internet and web users are growing at an exponential rate. 100,000,000 Internet users are present in India as of Dec 2010, i.e. a 8.5% penetration (per IWS) Facebook users in India: 25 million as of April,2011 Twitter users in India: 4.5 million 4 in every 10 internet users visited coupon sites. Expected growth rate of internet users is 15% till 2015.
CraveCode focuses on critical business issues facing todays Restaurateurs. With CraveCode you get the fully-integrated platform to solve your business needs as well as the expertise and supporting services needed to meet your unique business goals. B USINESS S OLUTIONS
BUSINESS NEEDSCRAVE CODE SOLUTIONS Cost Effective and Targeted Marketing Provides ability to do targeted marketing to different audiences as per age, sex and locality instead of expensive and non-transparent advertising like in newspapers. Search Engine friendly webpage which can be search by internet users India wide. Know your Customers Provides ability for every restaurant to monitor: customer feedback and reviews user searches on their restaurant customer diversity and other relevant useful information Understanding of what the customer likes and dislikes Fill Empty Tables By promoting your Lunch specials and Happy hours By giving access to local businesses and residents to your restaurants services and menu at all times. COST EFFECTIVE AND TARGETED MARKETING COST EFFECTIVE AND TARGETED MARKETING KNOW YOUR CUSTOMERS FILL IN EMPTY TABLES
W HY P ARTNER W ITH C RAVE C ODE 1. ONLINE MARKETING PLATFORM 2. WEB PRESENCE 3. INCREASE TABLE TURNOVER This platform helps you increase your customer base and drive in new customers. We provide extensive marketing through this platform to audiences you have never reached before and that too with practically no or minimal cost to you. You will get your own web page on CraveCode.com where you can upload your menu, address, directions and other special events or services information. You can provide a personal web link to your customers for advertising purposes. The link will be Search Engine Optimized (SEO) friendly. CraveCode can help you in Increasing your table turnover not only during peak but also off-peak hours as well. We will make your restaurants services and menu readily available for all local businesses and residents in and around you.
W HY P ARTNER W ITH C RAVE C ODE 4. CREATE A BUZZ 5. CUSTOMER RELATIONSHIPS 6. FEEDBACK REPORT Use CraveCode to create a 'buzz' for any special events in your restaurant. Be it for annual events such as new years or anniversaries; Or something that your restaurant is known for such as live music, Kitty Parties specials, happy hours or weekend events. You can leverage CraveCodes unique network of customers for promoting events and staying in the local news and media for all the right reasons. CraveCode helps you Connect with your Customers and promote repeated visits. We provide a comprehensive marketing solution to help you attract new diners. We help you gain and maintain the customers you need, and drive revenue and profits to your bottom line. Cravecode.com never sends you a bill - just hungry diners to fill your tables. Get a complete report of customer reviews, user searches on your restaurant, customer diversity and other relevant useful information. This will help you understand as to how you can further improve your business.
H OW IT W ORKS Crave Code provides a platform for restaurants to market their certificates to a larger audience and attract new customers. I T S A S IMPLE 3 S TEP P ROCESS : 1. Identify how many certificates you want to offer. 2. We will display your certificate on cravecode.com 3. As soon as the certificate is sold, you will be reimbursed for the certificate value within 3 business days. **Conditions Apply R ISK TO R ESTAURANTS ? None. Zero RISK. CraveCode will charge service fee only if the certificates are sold on the website. So we charge only if we sell your certificates.
C ONTACT U S Setup a meeting with our Sales representative to get additional details W EBSITE : E MAIL : P HONE : (+91)