By: Logan Robinson
Dale Lasaster has a ranch of bulls in Matheson Colorado He does not do anything at all to them other than give them food. He lets them roam the ranch eating grass and Lasater does not hormones, steriods, or anti-biotics. Thinks that nature is healthier than trying to do things for the cattle Set up Lasater Grasslands Beef company to sell organic, free range, grass-fed cattle
Family restaurant ran by Rich Conway in Colorado Springs Operates on an old fashioned style They make everything such as the meat and all food is fresh Cost a little more but gets more business than the half empty Wendys across the street The Conway family wants to expand the resturaunts
1948 the McDonald brothers introduced the Speedee Service System Harry and Ester Synder opened up their first In-N-Out Burger Restaurant between L.A. and Palm Springs Nations first drive through hamburger stand Workers made high wages (manager-$80,000 a year)
Low prices of fast food do not reflect the real cost it has on society Annual cost of obesity is now twice as large as the total revenues for fast food industries There needs to be a campaign to make the chains to minimize their harmful effects Fast food chains should not direct advertisements towards little kids
USDA is supposed to promote US agriculture and police it FDA is also a food safety agency OSHA makes rules for the work place and can fine or shut down companies for not following the rules These organizations all protect consumers a and the workers
Labor unions can cause inefficiencies when they have to much power, but without the labor unions corporations can violate labor laws with impunity Illegal immigrants are protected by labor unions. They keep the immigrants from getting singled out as being week because they dont have many legal rights.
Large agribusiness firms strife criticism of their policy Passed in 13 states The laws make it illegal to criticize agriculture commodities in a manner inconsistent with reasonable scientific evidence This could cause people to go to jail for criticizing things such as ground beef
Fast Food corporations could help change work safety for employees of their suppliers They could also demand higher wages for workers of their suppliers Helping out the suppliers workers would not make hardly and difference to the major food chains such as McDonalds Helping wouldnt raise menu prices much if anything at all
They arent bad people, they are business men Consumers can get healthier food if they stop buying the unhealthy food The executives will do whatever it takes to make money A refusal to buy fast food is heard over words talking about how bad it is You can make your own decisions on what to eat