Expresiones para el curso… Clase 3 Prueba de Aptitud
Esponja Set up your reloj de participacion. You must have a different student each hour if possible. Double up with appointments only if you have everyone in the class accounted for on the clock. Make sure to have matching appointments. Is anyone missing from class today?
Metas de Hoy Toma la prueba de aptitud. Make sure to answer as much of it as you are able in 30 minutes. Think about each answer, but move through it quickly and precisely. Dont be overly concerned about a couple of items; skip and come back to them later. Work hard these will be assessed and I will use this to help you in our review efforts next week! The grade doesnt go in the grade book, but parents will be notified of the results.
Repaso de vocabulario As you leave… tell me what one of the following means: Puedo ir al sacapuntas Can I get a drink? Can I speak with...? ¿Cómo se dice pantalones en inglés? Can I go to my locker? ¿ Puedo ir a la oficina? ¿Me puede prestar un lápiz? What does … mean? Can you give me some paper?