A Tribute to those who have lost life and limb in the pursuit of freedom SLEEP LAST NIGHT?


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Presentation transcript:

A Tribute to those who have lost life and limb in the pursuit of freedom SLEEP LAST NIGHT?

SLEEP LAST NIGHT? Bed a little lumpy? Get a new mattress

SLEEP LAST NIGHT? Toss and turn too much? Stretch out and relax

SLEEP LAST NIGHT? Too hot to sleep? Turn on the AC

SLEEP LAST NIGHT? Pull a night shift and cant sleep in the daylight? Pull the covers over your head

SLEEP LAST NIGHT? Thirsty and need a drink? Go get a cool glass of water out of the tap

SLEEP LAST NIGHT? Homesick? Get in your car and drive yourself home

Yes.. This is Reality! Count your blessings Pray for our troops And…

…the next time when... You get cut off on the freeway…

…the next time when... You have to park a little further from Wal-Mart than you want to…

…the next time when... You're served slightly warm food at the restaurant…

…the next time when... Your shower runs out of hot water…

…the next time when... You're sitting in your home enjoying the luxuries afforded to you by the blood of those who believe in fighting and dieing for freedom… Think of them...

…and pray! Our troops need our prayers and support, not our criticism and distain.


Protecting your freedom The proud warriors of USMC Baker Company wanted to pay tribute to their fallen comrades. So they fell into this formation to remind us of why they are doing what they do and to provoke us to remember as well.

Protecting your freedom We are proud to serve our country. WE HAVE NOT FORGOTTEN Semper Fidelis (Always Faithful) U.S.M.C. Baker Company

WE HAVE NOT FORGOTTEN that our enemies took American lives on American soil, so we are bound to protect.WE HAVE NOT FORGOTTEN that our enemies took American lives on American soil, so we are bound to protect.

"WE HAVE NOT FORGOTTEN" that others in the world live with these fears daily, so we are bound to liberate.

God, bless America! God, bless our troops! Never Forget… Now America… Bless God!

U.S. National Guard U.S. Coast Guard U.S. Navy U.S. Marines U.S. Air Force U.S. Army

Oh God, please bless the families that have lost loved ones in the pursuit of freedom, not only for America, but for the freedom of mankind. May You lead, guide and direct as we continue our endless quest for peace… WE WILL NEVER FORGETWE WILL NEVER FORGET

…And may that quest lead us to the only peace that will never fail… Jesus Christ, Your only begotten Son! WE WILL NEVER FORGETWE WILL NEVER FORGET

WE WILL ALWAYS REMEMBERWE WILL ALWAYS REMEMBER …Christ fought and won the ultimate battle for our souls, so we are free to worship!

WE WILL ALWAYS REMEMBERWE WILL ALWAYS REMEMBER …Christ is Victorious over Death, Hell and the Grave; He defeated Satan on the soil of our heart, in our homes and our communities, so we are bound to protect!

WE WILL ALWAYS REMEMBERWE WILL ALWAYS REMEMBER …Christ came to save the Lost of this world who live under Satans daily torment, so we are bound to Liberate!

WE WILL ALWAYS REMEMBERWE WILL ALWAYS REMEMBER so we are bound to uphold! …God created all men equal, so we are bound to uphold!

WE WILL ALWAYS REMEMBERWE WILL ALWAYS REMEMBER …Christ came to seek and save, so we are bound to pursue and reconcile!

We will always remember! All Glory to the Almighty King Who Reigns Forever and Ever! Whos return is drawing near!

JESUS CHRIST! The Almighty God, Supreme Ruler, Victorious Warrior, King of Kings, and Lord of Lords! WE WILL ALWAYS REMEMBER!