Do Now: Do Now: Strengths, Personality, & Skills *Answer all questions in complete sentences unless otherwise specified. Please number your responses in your notebook. 1. List as many of your strengths & skills that you can think of. 2. List at least five words that you would use to describe your personality. 3. Give an example of when you have used a strength, skill, or personality trait to help others.sentences.
Strengths, Personality, & Skills Objective: To help students identify an understand their work behavioral style as an important trait to consider when evaluating their interests and career options.
Workbook Pg 39 Circle the ten (10) traits you feel best describe you.
Chapter Two Vocabulary List 1. Aesthetic: relating to beauty; artistic 2. Forthright: going straight to the point 3 . Forceful: full of force; powerful 4 . Authoritative: official; conclusive 5 . Influencing: to alter something in an indirect or even sneaky way 6 . Spontaneous: an action arising from a whim or sudden impulse 7 . Amiable: friendly; good‐natured; sociable; pleasant 8 . Methodical: systematic, following a definite method 9 . Analytical: characterized by division of a problem into separate parts for study 10. Meticulous: great care shown to details 11. Diplomatic: using tact, especially in stressful circumstances; smooth 12. Systematic: methodical thoroughness 13. Submissive: submitting to others; obedient 14. Charismatic: exhibiting a dynamic personality 15. Empathy: having compassion or understanding for the pain or struggles of another 16. Innovative: on the cutting edge; creative 17. Perseverance: steadfastness; doggedness 18. Versatile: able to move from one activity or situation to another easily; adaptable 19. Synthesize: combine parts or pieces into a whole 20. Negotiate: bargain; make terms
Workbook Page 41-42 Answer the short quiz by circling each situation that best reflects how you would be likely to act, feel, or think. (Pg 41) Answer the questions on page 42.
What’s your Work Behavior Style? No one is pure dominance, steadiness, compliance, or influencing styles! There is actually 19 different behavioral profiles in this assessment system. These exercises give you an idea of your profile.
Groups!!! Break up into groups based on your profile style that you came up with in exercises 39-42. (A) Dominance (B) Influencing (C) Steadiness (D) Compliance Read the descriptions together as a group on page 43. Do you identify with the description you read with your group?
Movie Time! ESPN’s Outside the Lines, “Carry On.”