American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 Funding NACAA Call February 19, 2009 1
American Recovery and Reinvestment Act President Obama signed Bill into Law on February 17, 2009 $789 billion economic stimulus package that includes DERA Final Allocation $300M for DERA for National and State Programs 2% for EPA Administration 2 2
Four DERA ARRA Program Opportunities National Competitive RFA SmartWay Finance RFA Emerging Technologies RFA State Grant Allocation Program States are eligible for all four programs
State Program ARRA Allocation Details National vs. State split remains same as FY 08 (70/30 split, etc.) All DERA ARRA grants will focus on promoting economic recovery, preserving and/or creating jobs, and reducing diesel emissions. $88.2M for State Program If all 50 states and DC apply for funds: ~$1.7M Otherwise, the DERA State allocation formula will apply 4 4
State Program ARRA Funding Highlights Removal of matching incentive provision States can use up to 15% for program administration (personnel, travel, etc.) Removal of local and state mandate restrictions States must establish new grants with this funding Leftover funding reverts back to National Program Time line: Expediency is a critical priority
State Program ARRA Funding Process Time Frame will be fast – EPA will send States NOI (notice of intent to apply) EPA will send guidance document on program EPA will Notify States of Amounts Work plan template, budget, etc. due from States to Regions EPA will Award grants to States
ARRA Reporting EPA will release guidance on new ARRA reporting requirements Job creation/retention Frequency Draw-down requirements Centralized federal government ARRA reporting site:
Things To Do Now Prepare for implementation of this State grant ARRA allocation program Prepare for other RFAs as applicable Communicate with potential fleet partners Stay in close contact with EPA Regional office