Lesson 12: I went to the zoo. The simple past tense
What did you do at the weekend? Saturday 11/23 Sunday 11/24 Monday 11/25 Tuesday 11/26 Wednesday 11/27 What did you do at the weekend?
I play soccer. I played soccer.
I went shopping.
I _________.
Let’s make past tense verbs! Just add ‘ed’ 1. play 2. visit 3. watch played visited watched
4. study 5. cry studied cried For verbs ending in ‘y’ : Let’s make past tense verbs! For verbs ending in ‘y’ : 4. study 5. cry (not ‘play’!) studied cried
Let’s make past tense verbs! Some special verbs: 6. run 7. go 8. take 9. drink ran went took drank
Let’s make past tense verbs! Some special verbs: 10. eat 11. see 12. give 13. say ate saw gave said
Let’s make past tense verbs! Some special verbs: 14. buy 15. teach 16. catch bought taught caught