Brave New World Set 3 Vocabulary Fuse (v): to mix or join, usually by melting Articulately (adv): speaking distinctly; clearly expressing oneself Benevolence (n): kindness; generosity; charity Cajolery (n): flattery intended to persuade someone to do something Scrupulously (adv): carefully; meticulously Indecorousness (n): improper manners Stoically (adv): endures pain and hardship without showing feelings or complaining Mosaic (n): a pattern produced by arranging together small colored pieced of hard material, such as stone, tile, or glass Emaciated (adj): abnormally thin or weak, especially because of illness or lack of food
Lecherous (adj): having or showing excessive or offensive sexual desire Resonant (adj); deep, clear, and continuing to sound or ring Recapitulate (v): summarize and state again the main points of Orthodoxy (n): authorized or generally accepted theory or practice Ignoble (adj): not honorable in character or purpose; shameful Coquettishly (adv): characteristically flirtatious in a teasing, lighthearted manner Obliquity (n): deviation from sound thinking; a confusing statement Propriety (n): the state of conforming to conventionally accepted standards of behavior or morals Demurred (v): raise doubts or objections; show reluctance; protest