Access to and adequate social welfare for all - Paul Ginnell


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Presentation transcript:

Access to and adequate social welfare for all - Paul Ginnell

Working Group on access to an adequate social welfare for all All Together in Dignity, Ireland Disability Federation of Ireland European Anti-Poverty Network (EAPN) Ireland Focus Ireland Irish National Organisation of the Unemployed National Youth Council of Ireland One Family Society of Saint Vincent de Paul Vincentian Partnership for Social Justice Coordinated by EAPN Ireland

Importance of social welfare supports

Importance of social welfare supports Ensuring people can remain active in society, reconnects people to the world of work Helping to reduce inequality which benefits the whole of society. Evidence shows that more equal societies are more stable. Supporting local economies. Social welfare payments are spent in local areas that are often disadvantaged. Research tells us that the vast majority of people, who may not be employed, are better off in work and would prefer to be in work.

Importance of social welfare supports Adequate income A decent job for those who can work Quality services

Social welfare lifts many people out of poverty

But currently not everyone is protected Living below the Poverty Line ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ More than780,000 people And some groups in society have higher levels of poverty

Ensuring access to an adequate social welfare for all ACCESS for all – Some issues for Ireland Some groups excluded e.g. migration status – Asylum seekers and Habitual Residency Conditions Many, especially women, can only access it via their partner/spouse as the head of household i.e. Qualifies Adult Payment. Complicated system of means-testing: replace with more consistent and transparent system. Information on entitlements Working Family Payment has to be claimed.

Ensuring access to an adequate social welfare for all Adequacy – Some issues for Ireland Nothing to benchmark adequacy against Depends on the real cost of services Lower payments for many people on Jobseekers payment under 26 years of age No recognition of the additional cost of disability Jobseekers face conditions which if not met, even if unsuitable, result in payment cuts Importance of secondary benefits and interaction with payments

Setting a benchmark for Adequacy – to live with dignity The Government should raise all minimum welfare payments to a level which is adequate to: lift people above the poverty line (i.e. 60% of middle (median) income) and provide them with a Minimum Essential Standard of Living (means that different household types can afford and have access to the goods and services they require in order to participate in society and have a decent quality of life.)

Setting a benchmark for Adequacy

Setting a benchmark for Adequacy ii. provide them with a Minimum Essential Standard of Living?

Ensuring access to an adequate social welfare for all A rights based system that treats everyone with respect and enables them to live with dignity