PLANNING YOUR CAREER KEY TERMS WORD WALL TERMS Procrastinate Prioritize Part-time Job Temporary Job Short-term Goal Medium-term Goal Long-term Goal Chronological Order WORD WALL TERMS Admissions SAT Score ACT Score Major Minor Degree Program Financial Aid Scholarships Content Background information Summary Personal resources and goals The product or service The market Sale and marketing plan Management & organisation Development of the business Budgets Financial requirements Appendices
Give me four reasons why you should plan? Chapter 5 Planning Your Career Why Plan? Give me four reasons why you should plan? Textbook Reference: Chapter 5
Many people live their entire lives without PLANNING anything. Manage Time Planning helps make activities a success. Many people live their entire lives without PLANNING anything. Manage Your Time Organize your activities Manage your time
Remember Events Remember Events What’s the best way to do important projects well and on time? Remember Events Remember to do the things you NEED of WANT to do. Remember when things need to be done When you have a plan it’s harder to procrastinate
Prioritize Prioritize Put task in order First to last Most to least important
Reach Your Goals Reach Goals Planning will show you the steps that will help you reach your career GOAL. Reach Goals Gives a feeling of accomplishment Cross off your goals
Why Plan? Review Manage Your Time Prioritize Remember Events Reach Goals
PLANNING YOUR CAREER KEY TERMS WORD WALL TERMS Procrastinate Prioritize Part-time Job Temporary Job Short-term Goal Medium-term Goal Long-term Goal Chronological Order WORD WALL TERMS Admissions SAT Score ACT Score Major Minor Degree Program Financial Aid Scholarships Content Background information Summary Personal resources and goals The product or service The market Sale and marketing plan Management & organisation Development of the business Budgets Financial requirements Appendices
What three important steps should you include in a Career Plan? Chapter 5 Planning Your Career What Goes Into a Plan? What three important steps should you include in a Career Plan? Textbook Reference: Chapter 5
Step 1 Education and Training Did you Know? Did you Know? College is an important part of many people’s career plans. Did you Know? You should work to strengthen your basic skills. (Example: Reading, Writing, and Math) Step 1 Education & Training Did you Know? The classes you take now and in high school can help you prepare for a variety of careers.
An internship is a temporary paid or unpaid position that provides valuable job skills in a particular career field. Jobs Along the Way Step 2 Jobs Along the Way
Step 3 Career Research Career Research Career Research does not end when you choose a career. Step 3 Career Research
Chapter 5 Planning Your Career Things to Consider Personal responsibilies may have an effect on your career plan. The more SPECIFIC and REALISTIC your goals are, the more likely your will achieve them. Your goals and the time you spend of them may CHANGE over time. With a PLAN, you're moving toward your ULTIMATE Career Goal, STEP by STEP. Textbook Reference: Chapter 5
What three important steps should you include in a Career Plan? Chapter 5 Planning Your Career What Goes Into a Plan? What three important steps should you include in a Career Plan? Textbook Reference: Chapter 5
Step 1 Step 2 Step 3 Education & Review Training Jobs Along the Way Career Research
Chapter 5 Planning Your Career Setting Goals How do short-, medium-, and long-term goals help you reach your untimate career goal? Textbook Reference: Chapter 5
Short-term Goals Designing a Plan You start right away. Get a summer job related to your career field. Short-term Goals You start right away.
More challenging and takes longer to achieve. Designing a Plan Earn a Bachelor’s degree in Engineering. Medium-term Goals More challenging and takes longer to achieve.
May take a long time to reach. Designing a Plan Getting hired as an Engineer. Long-term Goals May take a long time to reach.
Chapter 5 Planning Your Career Things to Consider It is important to have a plan. Without a plan, you only have ideas or dreams. The motivation to achieve your goals comes from within. Textbook Reference: Chapter 5
Short- term Medium-term Long-term When will you begin? Review Short- term Medium-term Long-term