Create ETID To create a new ETID, select ETID type and click the “New ETID” button or “Create ETID Link”. To create a new ETID, select ETID type and click the “New ETID” button or “Create ETID Link”.
Create ETID The “create a new ETID” input screen has been redesigned to fit on one screen. Customers can add certifications and upload attachments for an ETID. The input screen has been designed to fit on one screen. Customers will enter DTID information, General Item Information, Certifications, and can also add Attachments.
Create ETID Choose Property Type Create DTID Number. DoDAAC populates from user profile. Current Julian Date populated Create unique 4 digit serial number Suffix only when necessary Enter Stock Number Valid FSC NIIN: NSN or DLA Standardized Local Stock Number (LSN) The first step in creating an ETID is to create the turn in document number (DTID) and provide an accurate stock number.
Create ETID - NSN National Stock Number (NSN) characteristics will pre-populate many of the data fields. Complete remaining information. Any field with a * is a required field. Enter any additional information you want to appear on the DD 1348-1A document in the 4 Comment Lines. NSNs characteristics will pre-populate many of the data fields. Complete remaining information. Any field with a * is a required field.
Create ETID - LSN DLA Standardized LSNs have been incorporated into ETID. Customers will get a drop down of the standardized LSN based on the FSC entered in the stock number. Enter “DS” in the NIIN field to obtain list of LSNs to choose. Standardized LSNs have been incorporated into ETID. Enter FSC. Enter “DS” in the NIIN field to obtain list of LSNs to choose. LSNs choices listed are based on FSC entered.
Create ETID - LSN Basic LSN information will populate ETID. Complete remaining fields. Any field with a * is a required field. Enter any additional information you want to appear on the DD 1348-1A document in the 4 Comment Lines. When a LSN is chosen, Item Nomenclature, Unit of Issue and Demil Code will populate. Complete remaining fields. Any field with a * is a required field. Enter any additional information in Comment Lines.
Create ETID - LSN A Service Specific LSN block has been added for customer convenience and auditability. One instance that this can be used is when an item is assigned an Army Management Control Number (MCN); where the 7th position is an Alpha character signifying the MACOM or activity that assigned the MCN.
A Service Specific LSN block has been added for customer convenience and auditability. One instance that this can be used is when an item is assigned an Army Management Control Number (MCN); where the 7th position is an Alpha character signifying the MACOM or activity that assigned the MCN. A Service Specific LSN block has been added for customer convenience and auditability. Example: when an item is assigned an Army Management Control Number (MCN); where the 7th position is an Alpha character signifying the MACOM or activity that assigned the MCN.
Create ETID – Critical FSC If a critical FSC LSN is entered, the required additional information will appear. Additional LSN information will be required for critical FSCs.
Create ETID - Certifications To attach a certification to an ETID, Click “Add Certification”. Certifications are required for some property types. To attach a certification, Click “Add Certifications”.
Check the box to the left of the certification you wish to attach to an ETID. Click on the Title of the certification to view the certification. After the selection is made, click on “Save Cert Selection” and then “Back to Document”. Check the box to the left of the certification title. Click “Save Cert Selection”. To view a certification, click on the certification title.
Create ETID - Certifications To view an attached certificate, click on “certification title”. To view a selected certification, click on certification title
Click on “Close Window” to return to the ETID. After viewing a certification, select “Close Window” to go back to the ETID.
Create ETID - Attachments To attach a document or image to an ETID (ie. Demil F Instructions), click on the “Attach Images/Documents” button. To attach a document or image to an ETID, click on “Attach Images/Documents.
3 1 2 Select the file to upload by selecting Browse. Save the uploaded File. To return back to ETID, select “Back To Document” Select the file to upload by selecting Browse. Save the uploaded File. To return back to ETID, select “Back To Document”
Create ETID - Attachments The ETID will list the file name and date of the uploaded attachment. To view an uploaded attachment, select “Attach Images/Documents” To view any uploaded Documents/Images click on button
When you click on an image, the uploaded image will open up in another window to view. Select “Back” to return to the ETID. Click on image to view respective documents. After closing windows, select “Back”.
Submit or Save ETID In addition to submitting ETIDs, customers can now save an ETID. Customers can save an unfinished or finished ETID. An ETID can be Saved or Submitted. An ETID can be saved unfinished and then finished later or saved finished and submitted later.
Submit ETID ETID has edits built in to check that all required information has been entered and is in the proper format. These edits are applied when an ETID is submitted and a customer will be informed of any errors. By placing your mouse on the red “!”, additional information about the error can be obtained. If you do not see the additional information when you scroll over the red 'I' change your IE browser setting to 'Compatibility View'. Error messages will be given by the field and at the top for any information entered that is not correct when submitted.
Submit ETID This is the message customers will see when they submit an ETID for Site approval. Do not print or schedule your turn in until your ETID has been approved by Disposition Services. Message after successful submittal of an ETID to a Disposition Services Site for review.