Here is how you find MS Visual C++ 6.0 on the Engineering Computers.
After pressing File/New You get this screen in front
Pick the Win32 Console Application, Then type in a name for your program (new one for each one). Let MSVC++ pick the Location. Then press return or okay.
Then a window will pop up asking you what kind of console application you want. Pick a simple application (the second one). Then press Finish. After that another window comes up. Just say okay to that stuff.
Then, select File Open, and the following window will appear. Select the .cpp file with your project name on it as shown below.
Up pops the edit box with an empty program in it. Erase every- thing except the include statement. I’ve already highlighted the block of code I’m going to delete. Then insert your program on the next line as shown in the next slide.
In the edit box is a “Hello, World” like program. To compile it, Press F7 or go into the build menu and select build (project name).exe. If there are any errors, they will be in shown in the bottom box. If there are no errors, you can run your program by pressing CTRL-F5 or Execute in the build menu.
And there your first executed program is! In this window called a console! To get out just do as it says….press any key.
The next step for practice is to take every program in the C programming language handout, make a new project for it, enter it into the edit box, and execute it. This is a good way to get the details of the handout. It will also teach you how to troubleshoot errors in a program, the most common being forgetting semicolons and closing brackets. So this will help you learn the MS Visual C environment and the C language. Most important though, is getting through to Appendix 3. In this appendix, you will learn how to access file information, information like the 71000 point file we’ve seen once before. So, by the time you’ve finished implementing the handout and appendix 3, you’ll have all the components you need for your programming assignments.