First Grade Newsletter October 24, 2016 Teacher News & Notes Box Tops – Please continue saving box tops! It is a great way to support our class! Important Deadlines: Please make arrangements to pick up your child’s report card by Friday, October 28. Field trip consent (Stephen Fite concert) and class shirt orders are due by October 28. Concert tickets are $6.00 and shirts are $5.00. You can still pay for your child’s pictures through Wednesday October 26. Package forms are available if you need one. This Week: Phonics- a consonant e; Spelling with final ke; o consonant e; u consonant e; i consonant e; e consonant e; Contractions Math- Review Doubles, Doubles + 1, Introduce Doubles – 1, Addition strategies to solve problems with 2 or 3 addends ELAR-Story- “The Pigs, the Wolf, and the Mud”, Establish Purpose for Reading, discuss parts of a book (title, cover, author, illustrator), make connections to stories using own experiences, elicit predictions, practice speaking in complete sentences and asking questions, write complete sentences using time order words and adding adverbs Science- Investigating How Objects Move Social Studies- Past, Present, and Future Time Reminders Breakfast 7:10-7:40 AM Tardy Bell 7:45 AM Dismissal 3:00 PM Family Reading Night Wednesday 4:00-6:00 Spelling Words: go hi am get him ten best help pick black you what Get a can of clams. What can you print? Spelling test Friday! Please make sure they practice using lowercase letters. Calendar (Please always read the Justiss website. We do not list all of the calendar events for the school.) 10-27 Fall Festival from 5:30-7:30 Lewis Conf. 12:45-1:35 Lunch 11:10-11:40 Fegley Conf. 12:45-1:35 Lunch 11:10-11:40 Chesshire Conf. 12:45-1:35 Lunch 11:10-11:40 Kelley Conf. 12:45-1:35 Lunch-11:10-11:40 Munoz Conf. 12:45-1:35 Lunch 11:10-11:40 Dzenowski Conf. 12:45-1:35 Lunch 11:10-11:40