Open Science and you: publish or perish? Mina Karami/ Elly Dijk
What is open science “Open science is the practice of science in such a way that others can collaborate and contribute, where research data, lab notes and other research processes are freely available, under terms that enable reuse, redistribution and reproduction of the research and its underlying data and methods.” See: definition
Recognising and assessing researchers
How can we stimulate open science? To promote open science it is important to that open science plays a role in: Research Research proposals Researchers the people that have to do the work So what do WE need to make it work?
Publish or perish? Publishing in open access journals sometimes involves additional administration, whereas delivering articles to traditional journals can usually be done easily online. In science and medicine especially, researchers are rated by their ability to publish in journals with a high impact factor. However, it takes some time before new journals, both traditional and open access, can acquire an impact factor. Supplying publication data and the full text of publications to repositories means extra work for researchers.
Opinion 1. what i need to conduct open science.. My research organization should be more clear about their vision, mission and strategy for open science stellingen
. Opinion 2. what i need to conduct open science is.. Alternative indicators (altmetrics) are necessary for the assessment of my research (instead of numbers/ impact factor)
Opinion 3. what i need to conduct open science is.. My Open access publications should ‘weigh’ more heavily than non-open access publications Include open access publications and other open science activities in assessments and promotions for all scientific functions and levels
Opinion 4. what i need to conduct open science is.. I need more support from my – institution/supervisor/peers on ‘how’, ‘what’ and ‘why’ I should do Open Science
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