Values RECAP ON VALUES "A value is a quality, something we believe in or something that we aspire to. An attitude is a feeling or a way of thinking about something. An ideology refers to a set of beliefs or practices. These beliefs and practices act as a framework helping us to make sense of our everyday life" (Keane & McMahon, 2006)
VALUES communication power style creativity freedom ecological tradition VALUES empowering beauty strength privacy ethical youth compassion money power family respect friendship security
Dominant Values Producers will try to be aware of societies dominant values, in order to appeal and attract a wide audience. The way they create, construct and position a media product will try to reflect dominant values.
Preferred Meaning Producers of mainstream popular media will always attempt to appeal to as many dominant values in our society in order to appeal to as many people as possible.
When a producer makes a media work they usually will have a preferred meaning/s and interpretation in mind for their audiences. Happy and Friendly Family Australian Average
If viewers recognise and question the message of a media work they may choose to make a 'resistant reading' in opposition to the producers 'preferred meaning'. Superficial and shallow Low intelligence Boring and safe Lower class and cheap
ACTIVITY Write down a resistant meaning of this image, different from the producers preferred meaning.