Key Question- Can Australia cope with its increasing population? Task Write your name on the top of the sheet Using the information in your booklet write one fact on one of the maps that you think would help you to answer this question Pass your sheet onto someone else and repeat the exercise on the new sheet Continue to pass them on until you have a full sheet Give the completed sheet to its original owner
Decisions, Decisions !!!!!!!
Key Question- Can Australia cope with its increasing population? Learning Objective To use the information in resource booklet to write an exam style answer in response to the key question Learning Outcomes D/E Level 1 answers – generalised, with few or no examples C Level 2 answers – some evidence from the booklet (you can also include other things that you have learnt) to help explain something fairly clearly A/B Level 3 answers – detailed explanation, always with evidence from the booklet (and what you have learnt) to support your ideas
Learning Outcomes D/E Level 1 answers – generalised, with few or no examples C Level 2 answers – some evidence from the booklet (you can also include other things that you have learnt) to help explain something fairly clearly A/B Level 3 answers – detailed explanation, always with evidence from the booklet (and what you have learnt) to support your ideas
Key Question- Can Australia cope with its increasing population? Task Read through the information in Section C: Options for the Future Complete the matrix table. This will help you to organise your thoughts about the information and how it relates to the question.
Section C: Options for the future – Summary Sheet Target population by 2050 and reasoning Govt. policies on population Economic growth Water issues Land management 1: 2: 3: 4: Advantages – for Australia, its people, its wealth, and natural resources Disadvantages- for Australia, its people, its wealth, and natural resources 1 2 3 4
How are the questions marked? Longer answers of 6 marks or more are marked using levels. This especially applies to section C, where you’ll be asked to explain a decisions. These questions will test your ability to: explain reasons use evidence from the booklet to support your reasons use details or examples from the course There are three levels in the mark scheme – always aim for a level 3 Level 1 answers – generalised, with few or no examples Level 2 answers – some evidence from the booklet (you can also include other things that you have learnt) to help explain something fairly clearly Level 3 answers – detailed explanation, always with evidence from the booklet (and what you have learnt) to support your ideas
Key Question- Can Australia cope with its increasing population? Task Choose one option from the four given in Section C which you think would be best for Australia and its people. Write a letter to the Prime Minister of Australia explaining why it is the best option for Australia and its people. (9 marks) Plan Use all the resources in the booklet but especially those in Section C
Mark Scheme D - E Level 1 1-3 Lacks structure; makes a decision, with some basic justification but the evidence base is limited, described without detail, and non-specific. Generalised answers – eg ‘there’ll be less water for people to drink’. Basic use of geographical terminology; spelling, punctuation and grammar inaccurate. C Level 2 4-6 Some structure; provides a decision using some evidence to justify the decision. Identifies some specific evidence, with some detail, though this varies. Clearly communicated but with limited use of geographical terminology, and some errors in spelling, punctuation and grammar. A* – B Level 3 7-9 Well structured, with sound use of evidence to justify a decision all of which relates back to Australia’s needs. Clear use of evidence from the booklet. Good understanding of issues, expressed in detail and specific reference to resources. Well communicated with good use of geographical terminology, and good quality spelling, punctuation and grammar.
Key Question- Can Australia cope with its increasing population? Use all the resources in the booklet but especially those in Section C Task Choose one option from the four given in Section C which you think would be best for Australia and its people. Write a letter to the Prime Minister of Australia explaining why it is the best option for Australia and its people. (9 marks) Levels D/E Level 1 – generalised, with few or no examples C - Level 2 – some evidence from the booklet (you can also include other things that you have learnt) to help explain something fairly clearly A/B Level 3 – detailed explanation, always with evidence from the booklet (and what you have learnt) to support your ideas
Key Question- Can Australia cope with its increasing population? Task Use the mark scheme to mark your partners answer When you have levelled the answer write two comments: One thing that they did well One way that they could improve their answer Which is the best option for Australia? Why? Which is the worse option for Australia? Why?
Key Question- Can Australia cope with its increasing population? Use all the resources in the booklet but especially those in Section C Task Choose one option from the four given in Section C which you think would be the most unsuitable for Australia and its people. Write a letter to the Prime Minister of Australia explaining why it is the most unsuitable option for Australia and its people. (6 marks) Levels D/E Level 1 – generalised, with few or no examples C - Level 2 – some evidence from the booklet (you can also include other things that you have learnt) to help explain something fairly clearly A/B Level 3 – detailed explanation, always with evidence from the booklet (and what you have learnt) to support your ideas
Key Question- Can Australia cope with its increasing population? Use all the resources in the booklet but especially those in Section C Task Choose one option from the four given in Section C which you think would be the most unsuitable for Australia and its people. Write a letter to the Prime Minister of Australia explaining why it is the most unsuitable option for Australia and its people. (6 marks) Plan
Mark Scheme D - E Level 1 1-2 Lacks structure; makes a decision, with some basic justification but the evidence base is limited, described without detail, and non-specific. Generalised answers – eg ‘there’ll be less water for people to drink’. Basic use of geographical terminology; spelling, punctuation and grammar inaccurate. C Level 2 3-4 Some structure; provides a decision using some evidence to justify the decision. Identifies some specific evidence, with some detail, though this varies. Clearly communicated but with limited use of geographical terminology, and some errors in spelling, punctuation and grammar. A* – B Level 3 5-6 Well structured, with sound use of evidence to justify a decision all of which relates back to Australia’s needs. Clear use of evidence from the booklet. Good understanding of issues, expressed in detail and specific reference to resources. Well communicated with good use of geographical terminology, and good quality spelling, punctuation and grammar.
Mark Scheme D - E Level 1 1-2 Lacks structure; makes a decision, with some basic justification but the evidence base is limited, described without detail, and non-specific. Generalised answers – eg ‘there’ll be less water for people to drink’. Basic use of geographical terminology; spelling, punctuation and grammar inaccurate. C Level 2 3-4 Some structure; provides a decision using some evidence to justify the decision. Identifies some specific evidence, with some detail, though this varies. Clearly communicated but with limited use of geographical terminology, and some errors in spelling, punctuation and grammar. A* – B Level 3 5-6 Well structured, with sound use of evidence to justify a decision all of which relates back to Australia’s needs. Clear use of evidence from the booklet. Good understanding of issues, expressed in detail and specific reference to resources. Well communicated with good use of geographical terminology, and good quality spelling, punctuation and grammar.
Key Question- Can Australia cope with its increasing population? Task Use the mark scheme to mark your partners answer When you have levelled the answer write two comments: One thing that they did well One way that they could improve their answer Which is the best option for Australia? Why? Which is the worse option for Australia? Why?