Older people with high support needs: Messages from A Better Life Imogen Blood East LIN Network, St Neots 1st October 2013
A Better Life programme Older people with high support needs Quality of life Voices of older people
Overview of the research Practice examples Whose responsibility? 3 UK-wide, cross-sector Qualitative HWC studies Evidence review 2 quantitative studies with New Policy Institute Affordability for self-funders Roundup Supportive communities Affordability Guide Supported housing for older people in UK Affordability of retirement housing Older people’s housing: choice, quality of life & under-occupation
Rights Housing rights: ‘my own front door’ Private family life Controlling entry Choosing to mix Maintaining my independence
Relationships Living as a couple Relationships with carers and other staff Living in a community Family can visit but have peace of mind Keeping in touch with former networks
Information and Advice Understanding the options Affordability: benefits and financial advice Implications, risks and expectations
Care, support & aids Security of 24/7 back-up Unpredictable needs Paying for care Enabling partner carers Equipment: Who pays? Who chases? Who repairs? Access and storage
Importance of back-up
That bit of help Is it available? Who pays? Are the staff and the model flexible enough? Peer mutual support The role of family and friends
Is something extra needed to make HWC work for some people with high support needs (at least some of the time)?
Moving forwards….hear our voices!
Values – culture – staff - relationships
It’s the staff that make it
Old age is not about ‘them’: it is about all of us
Contact and resources Pick up a free copy of the research publications, practice examples and Round-up today or online: http://www.jrf.org.uk/work/workarea/housing-with-care-older-people Can self-funders afford HWC? Guide for providers and commissioners (LIN) LIN Viewpoint 41: Putting rights at the heart of HWC Get in touch: imogen@imogenblood.co.uk http://www.imogenblood.co.uk/ Twitter @ImogenBlood