Homework Session 87S Jost_Ruddell Welcome to Homework 101 Choose a table to set your things Select a homework problem you feel comfortable doing Work the problem on the chart paper, showing all your work, and sign your name You may do the problem with a partner but both must completely understand the solution Be prepared to explain your solution Pass around a sheet to sign up for the HW pbwiki. 10:30-10:40 - 10 min - Do a problem at the board Pick a problem from the table & do it on the chart paper, put name on it, be prepared to explain it Michelle CAMT Houston 7/15/09 Homework Session 87S Jost_Ruddell
Homework Session 87S Jost_Ruddell 1. Math problem 2. Favorite Movie 3. Math Problem 4. Favorite 6th Grade Math Activity 5. Math problem 6. Favorite Book 7. Math Problem 8. Favorite 7th Grade Math Activity 9. Math Problem 10. Favorite Recipe 11. Math Problem 12. Favorite 8th Grade Math Activity 13. Math Problem 14. Favorite Summer Activity 15. Math Problem 16. Favorite Alg 1 Math Activity 17. Math Problem 18. Favorite Artist 19. Math Problem 20. Favorite Geom Math Activity 21. Math Problem 22. Favorite Sport 23. Math Problem 24. Favorite Alg 2 Math Activity 10:40-10:45- 5 min - Select problems explained - One explain at table & one explain at board (problematic concept…) Problem explaining process. We need: all problems on a handout, 24 markers and chart paper sheets with 1-24, tape, thumbtacks? CAMT Houston 7/15/09 Homework Session 87S Jost_Ruddell
Motivating High School Students to Own the Mathematics Homework! Norma Jost; Austin ISD, Secondary Mathematics Supervisor njost@austinisd.org Michelle Ruddell; Robinson ISD, Robinson HS Mathematics Teacher mruddell@robinson.k12.tx.us Introductions CAMT Houston 7/15/09 Homework Session 87S Jost_Ruddell
Homework Session 87S Jost_Ruddell 1. Math problem 2. Favorite Movie 3. Math Problem 4. Favorite 6th Grade Math Activity 5. Math problem 6. Favorite Book 7. Math Problem 8. Favorite 7th Grade Math Activity 9. Math Problem 10. Favorite Recipe 11. Math Problem 12. Favorite 8th Grade Math Activity 13. Math Problem 14. Favorite Summer Activity 15. Math Problem 16. Favorite Alg 1 Math Activity 17. Math Problem 18. Favorite Artist 19. Math Problem 20. Favorite Geom Math Activity 21. Math Problem 22. Favorite Sport 23. Math Problem 24. Favorite Alg 2 Math Activity 10:40-10:45- 5 min - Select problems explained - One explain at table & one explain at board (problematic concept…) Problem explaining process. We need: all problems on a handout, 24 markers and chart paper sheets with 1-24, tape, thumbtacks? CAMT Houston 7/15/09 Homework Session 87S Jost_Ruddell
Homework Session 87S Jost_Ruddell Goals Identify homework beliefs/issues/etc. Explore the features of a homework process used in high school mathematics classes to have all students own the learning Discuss other homework ideas and develop next steps for a homework process that has all students owning the learning 10:45-10:47; 2 min; Welcome, Goals Explore the homework process Discuss homework ideas that have all students own the learning Norma CAMT Houston 7/15/09 Homework Session 87S Jost_Ruddell
Homework Session 87S Jost_Ruddell Pros & Cons of Homework Take 2 minutes to write the Pros & Cons of Homework on your task sheet. Discuss your Homework Pros & Cons with a partner. 10:47-10:52; 5 min; Explore HW beliefs using HW Pros & Cons Norma CAMT Houston 7/15/09 Homework Session 87S Jost_Ruddell
Homework Session 87S Jost_Ruddell Homework Pros: Students build knowledge through practice It reinforces concepts taught that day and supports spiraling concepts Parents expect it It prepares students for assessments/college/etc. What are some other HW benefits? CAMT Houston 7/15/09 Homework Session 87S Jost_Ruddell
Homework Session 87S Jost_Ruddell Homework Cons: Overwhelming paper piles Timing and process of Feedback/Grading Students copy/wait for us to do it/don’t do it/ etc. Teacher doing all the work Wasting valuable instructional time Other HW cons to add CAMT Houston 7/15/09 Homework Session 87S Jost_Ruddell
Homework Session 87S Jost_Ruddell From: To: Our goal: 10:52-11:20; 28 min Steps to using process in the classroom Talking about process in a classroom Michelle & Norma CAMT Houston 7/15/09 Homework Session 87S Jost_Ruddell
Homework Session 87S Jost_Ruddell The steps to a New Homework Process implemented with 135 students 2008-2009: From Frustration to Hope Jumping Right In Coaching My Students Keeping Records? Problem Students Assessment Teachers, administrators, parents Quotes Michelle steps to a new HW process implemented 2008 -2009 with 135 students CAMT Houston 7/15/09 Homework Session 87S Jost_Ruddell
From Frustration to Hope The homework process was frustrating because of all the “cons” I heard about “homework on the board” at CAMT I hoped that this process would resolve my homework issues! A teacher emailed the following on Friday of the first week of school: “I teach Geometry and Algebra II at Robinson High School. I met you at CAMT this summer, where you told me how you had students work homework problems on the board at the beginning of class. I have implemented this idea in my classes and have been completely and totally amazed this week. We started school Tuesday. On Wednesday I gave students a short assignment solving equations. After they had time to work the problems, I had them put those problems on the board and present them to the class. I then explained that this was how we were going to do homework. On Thursday, my students were coming to class and were working problems on the board before the tardy bell. By the time I had finished taking attendance; all the problems were on the board. Then each student who had worked a problem explained it to the class. Again today (Friday), students were at the board working before the tardy bell. I heard more math conversation among students in my classroom this week than ever before!! Michelle email quote on Friday of the first week of school: “I teach Geometry and Algebra II at Robinson High School. I met you at CAMT this summer, where you told me how you had students work homework problems on the board at the beginning of class. CAMT Houston 7/15/09 Homework Session 87S Jost_Ruddell
Jumping Right In The 2nd Day Of School… I almost “chickened out” My rosters showed more students than ever before I was convinced to try something new! Michelle email quote: I have implemented this idea in my classes and have been completely and totally amazed this week. On Thursday, by the time I had finished taking attendance; all the problems were on the board and they had been done by the tardy bell. I heard more math conversation among students in my classroom this week than ever before!! A teacher emailed the following on Friday of the first week of school: “I teach Geometry and Algebra II at Robinson High School. I met you at CAMT this summer, where you told me how you had students work homework problems on the board at the beginning of class. I have implemented this idea in my classes and have been completely and totally amazed this week. We started school Tuesday. On Wednesday I gave students a short assignment solving equations. After they had time to work the problems, I had them put those problems on the board and present them to the class. I then explained that this was how we were going to do homework. On Thursday, my students were coming to class and were working problems on the board before the tardy bell. By the time I had finished taking attendance; all the problems were on the board. Then each student who had worked a problem explained it to the class. Again today (Friday), students were at the board working before the tardy bell. I heard more math conversation among students in my classroom this week than ever before!! CAMT Houston 7/15/09 Homework Session 87S Jost_Ruddell
Homework Session 87S Jost_Ruddell Coaching My Students This was new to students too They had to know what was expected Students needed to be taught the process The set-up every day of homework was… CAMT Houston 7/15/09 Homework Session 87S Jost_Ruddell
Homework Session 87S Jost_Ruddell Keeping Records? I needed a way to keep track of students’ work on the board Blank roster reports work great for me CAMT Houston 7/15/09 Homework Session 87S Jost_Ruddell
Homework Session 87S Jost_Ruddell Problem Students This process works well for most students Easily adaptable (number of problems, work with partner, help with explanation, etc.) For students who love an audience, now they have one! What I did with ones who didn’t go to the board… CAMT Houston 7/15/09 Homework Session 87S Jost_Ruddell
Homework Session 87S Jost_Ruddell Assessments Since I was not picking up homework I gave more quizzes with less problems. What worked best for me was… I found that students were…. If you have a good accountability system with groups, it can be set up to have ten small quizzes – 5 individual and 5 group CAMT Houston 7/15/09 Homework Session 87S Jost_Ruddell
Teachers, Parents, Administrators Lots of positive comments Other teachers were…. Parents I’ve talked to have been supportive Administrators love it CAMT Houston 7/15/09 Homework Session 87S Jost_Ruddell
Homework Session 87S Jost_Ruddell Student Quotes “I like doing homework this way, it helps me understand it better.” “This way, if I didn’t get it at home, I have another chance.” “Where did you get…..” “Mrs. Ruddell, where are the problems to put on the board?” First two are about the homework process, second two are ones I remember CAMT Houston 7/15/09 Homework Session 87S Jost_Ruddell
Quote From a PDAS Walk-Through “I loved this new homework approach! This is a great way to assess students’ understanding of the material. The students were actively engaged. What a positive environment.” Dr. Jeanie Johnson Principal CAMT Houston 7/15/09 Homework Session 87S Jost_Ruddell
Homework Session 87S Jost_Ruddell Next Steps My next steps are… - incorporate more group work and quizzes - refine process of choosing problems for the board Questions… CAMT Houston 7/15/09 Homework Session 87S Jost_Ruddell
Homework Session 87S Jost_Ruddell Next Steps What homework process will you try next year to have all students own the learning? At your table, discuss this process or other homework ideas Share as a group 11:20-11:30; 10 min; Next steps, ideas Discuss next steps & PbWorks; Norma CAMT Houston 7/15/09 Homework Session 87S Jost_Ruddell
Homework Session 87S Jost_Ruddell Next Steps Connect on a Homework PbWorks site to try next year and share new ideas: http://aisdmathhwprocess.pbworks.com/ Go on-line if possible. Make sure Exit Slip is filled out Please give us feedback: Fill out the Exit Slip CAMT Houston 7/15/09 Homework Session 87S Jost_Ruddell