Topic Proposal Thesis Statements Create an effective thesis statement. You need to say why the comparison and contrast is worthy of note. Let’s say you want to compare and contrast the subversive females in two texts we’ve read. With a partner come up with a thesis statement comparing Julia (1984) and Moira (The Handmaid’s Tale). What literary devices can you use?
Topic Proposal Thesis Statements Example Thesis: “Although Julia in Orwell’s 1984 and Moira in Atwood’s The Handmaid’s Tale are characterized very differently, their shared values connect them in the doomed fight for women’s rights.”
Comparative Thesis Statements: Excellent comparative thesis statements: say why the comparison and contrast is worthy of note (SO WHAT). Outline both a similarity and a difference between the works (WHAT). Are concise and only one sentence. Include specifics and a literary device or feature. (HOW) 5 Exceeds Standard 4.25 Meets Standard 3.5 Approaches Standard 3 or Below- Below Standard Thesis /15 Focused and clear thesis Comparative argument has depth and complexity Thesis well-proven in paper Clear thesis Comparative argument is present, but lacks depth Thesis adequately proven in paper Thesis present, but lack clarity Attempts to make a comparative argument Attempts to prove thesis in paper Thesis undeveloped or unclear Lacks a comparative argument Thesis not proven in paper
Comparative Thesis Statements: HOW (Clear and Specific Details) WHAT (Debatable Claim or Argument) “So What” Titles of books, authors’ names, literary devices, characters, etc. Answering the question or prompt, not a fact Why does this “matter” or universal theme or dystopian warning
Comparative Thesis Statements: HOW (Clear and Specific Details) WHAT (Debatable Claim or Argument) “So What” Titles of books, authors’ names, literary devices, characters, etc. Answering the question or prompt, not a fact Why does this “matter” or universal theme or dystopian warning
Draft your thesis! Excellent comparative thesis statements: say why the comparison and contrast is worthy of note (SO WHAT). Outline both a similarity and a difference between the works (WHAT). Are concise and only one sentence. Include specifics and a literary device or feature. (HOW) 5 Exceeds Standard 4.25 Meets Standard 3.5 Approaches Standard 3 or Below- Below Standard Thesis /15 Focused and clear thesis Comparative argument has depth and complexity Thesis well-proven in paper Clear thesis Comparative argument is present, but lacks depth Thesis adequately proven in paper Thesis present, but lack clarity Attempts to make a comparative argument Attempts to prove thesis in paper Thesis undeveloped or unclear Lacks a comparative argument Thesis not proven in paper
Peer Editing We’re going to pass and peer edit our thesis statements. Pass your thesis to the right, and then provide written feedback for that person. Add to the written feedback when you get the next thesis, etc. Finally, after we’re done, we’ll write a revised thesis statement.
Solidish Examples In Brave New World and Black Mirror: Nosedive, Huxley and Wright both use the experiences of morally relatable characters in opposition against conformist society juxtaposed through different ironic rebellion to ultimately provide commentary on the inescapable hypocrisy in the structure of any utopian society. Aldous Huxley and George Orwell, in their respective novels Brave New World and 1984, use the characterization of their main female characters as sexually promiscuous to reveal to their audience their views on female sexuality and femininity, proving how deep misogyny runs in society. The novels Super Sad True Love Story and 1984 both explore how relationships founded on sexual desire or the lack thereof create solely surface level connections, ultimately leading to an inevitable sequence of selfish actions and betrayal.