Mrs. Brindle’s 3rd grade classroom
Mrs. Brindle
8:00 am – Class Meeting 8:10 am – Reader’s Workshop 9:00 am – Content Areas 9:30 am – D.E.A.R/Snack 9:55 am – Specials 10:40 am – Grammar 11:04 am – Lunch/HW/Vocabulary 12:10 pm -- Recess 12:40 pm– Math/Guided Math 1:30 pm- Writer’s Workshop 2:10 Dismissal
Students can not be checked out after 1:45 Arrival Time: 7:15 – 7:50 Dismissal Time: 2:10- 2:20 Students can not be checked out after 1:45 **Transportation changes can not be emailed to the teachers, you MUST call the front office for any and all transportation changes.**
Medication Please make sure that your teacher knows exactly how your child is going home each day. If there is a change in transportation, please give your teacher a written request. Phone calls only in emergencies to the front office ! If you wish for your child to be picked up by someone other than a parent, this person will need to be listed on your child’s registration form in the front office. By following and enforcing these guidelines, we are ensuring the safety of each and every student!
Follow Directions the 1st time Allow others to learn Follow Directions the 1st time Take responsibility for your own actions Have FUN while learning Be a respectful, responsible, role-model
**Only late buses will receive breakfast after 7:40. Lunch 11:04- 11:34 Table 14 Cost $2.35 Breakfast 7:15-7:40 Cost: $1.50 If you need to child needs to eat breakfast they should be here before 7:40 am and they should go straight to the cafeteria before coming to the classroom. **Only late buses will receive breakfast after 7:40. Parents coming to eat with their students will eat on the stage with their student only or outside at the picnic tables
Donated snacks are always welcome Rules about Snacks Please send a healthy snack with your child daily. (fruit, veggies, baked snacks) We only have time for each student to eat one snack. Please no drinks. Water is allowed in a reusable container. Donated snacks are always welcome
Special Events 2 classroom parties per year Winter Holiday Celebration End of Year Celebration Birthday Celebrations If you would like to send in a special treat for the class, we celebrate during lunch. Teachers do not sit with the students, so parents are asked to stay and pass out treats.
Level 3 = Meets the standards consistently and independently Level 3+ =Exceeds Standards – In addition to the 3, makes applications and inference beyond expectations Level 3 = Meets the standards consistently and independently Level 2 = Progressing – The student is making progress toward meeting the standard. Level 1: Limited progress or does not meet the standard. Reports cards will be sent home every nine weeks. Progress Reports will only be sent home (at 4 ½ weeks) for the students who are showing limited or minimum progress towards meeting the standard or for behavior concerns.
Third grade is a BIG jump for students and sometimes it can be a difficult for both parents & students especially, when it comes to the amount of homework. DO NOT WORRY!! Plus this year, I will be sending home TWO PARENT HOMEWORK PASSES!! I understand life….. We all have one Homework is being reduced this year. Spelling practice will be worked on each day throughout the week. Students will just need to review at home a few nights.. No reading logs. I prefer reading passages with comprehension questions. This allows me to see what your child is understanding. Students should not being spending more than 30 minutes on homework each evening. Please contact me if you are spending more than the allotted time. We will discuss strategies and reduced problems, if need be.
It is the student’s responsibility to show you their agenda everyday, but since you know it’s coming home every night, please help remind him/her to show it to you until you think he/she can remember to show it to you without you asking.
Reading Levels
Quarter 2: Multiplication, Division, 2-step word problems Quarter: Rounding, Addition, Subtraction, place value, compare/contrast numbers, Addition/subtraction words problems Quarter 2: Multiplication, Division, 2-step word problems Quarter 3: Fractions, geometry, 2-step word problems, measurement Quarter 4: Review all standards
Quarter 1: Narrative/Opinion Quarter 2: Informational/Expository
Quarter 1 Quarter 2 Quarter 3 Quarter 4 Rocks and Minerals Soils and Fossils Quarter 3 Georgia Habitats and Adaptations Quarter 4 Conservation and Recycle Heat
Quarter 1 Quarter 2 Quarter 3 Quarter 4 Civics Government American Indian Cultures Quarter 3 European Exploration Quarter 4 British Colonial America
Science Lab P.E Computer Lab Music Art
We will have more information about field trips by the end of August…… We are hoping for 2 out of school field trips & a few in-house.
We LOVE having parents volunteer for various activities in our class, being a mystery reader and coming in to copy…. We will send out emails regarding volunteer sign-ups
Thank you for sending in school supplies Thank you for sending in school supplies!! We will periodically ask for supplies throughout the year such as glue sticks, pencils, wipes, and Kleenex.
Testing Dates: IOWA: 9/13-9/18 CoGAT: 9/5-9/7 Milestones: 4/10-4/19 8/29: Early Release 9/24-9/28: Fall Break 10/11: Early Release 10/15-10/19: Conference Week (Early Release) 11/15: Family & Friends Luncheon 12/17-12/21: Holiday Party 3/13/18: Early Release 5/3 OR 5/10/19: 3-5 Field Day Last Full week of school: Class End of the Year Party The CoGAT (cognitive abilities) and IOWA (test of basic skills) are tests that assess the basic skills your child should have learned since being enrolled in school.
Mrs. Brindle 404-643-9445
student id#@nickajack MyOn School:Nickajack User: student id Password: read Cobb Digital Library School: Nickajack User: student id Password: read IXL user: student id#@nickajack Password: math
B3 Be A Better Brave Positive Thoughts + Positive Actions = Positive Results Be A Better Brave Classroom Grade level School-wide Students learn appropriate behavior of a respectful, responsible, role-model through instruction, practice, feedback, and positive reinforcement.
Classroom Blog This will be updated on a monthly basis so that parents and students can review Vocabulary Words each week. Important information and links will also be updated as needed.
I am here for YOU! We are a team in your child’s education! We will do everything we can to help your child be successful in 3rd grade! However, it is a job we must do together! We look forward to working with you this year! We have a fun, exciting, and memorable year planned! Welcome to 3rd Grade!!