Social Studies Main Topics


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Presentation transcript:

Social Studies Main Topics Curriculum Social Studies Main Topics Native American Cultures and Regions European Exploration Colonization of North America American Revolution Forming a New Nation Westward Expansion Science Main Topics Solar System Water Cycle and Weather Light and Sound Force and Motion Simple Machines Ecosystems

Math: Critical Areas (1) developing understanding and fluency with multi-digit multiplication, and developing understanding of dividing to find quotients involving multi-digit dividends; (2) developing an understanding of fraction equivalence, addition and subtraction of fractions with like denominators, and multiplication of fractions by whole numbers; (3) understanding that geometric figures can be analyzed and classified based on their properties, such as having parallel sides, perpendicular sides, particular angle measures, and symmetry

4th Grade Assessment Plan 2015-2016

Reading 3-4 checkpoints on standards ELA County 9 week writing prompt Math Checkpoints for each standard 2-3 mixed review assessments Science/Social Studies Tests for every standard/unit Culminating performance task (one per 9 weeks)

Grades Graded/checked papers will be sent home each Tuesday. Graded assessments or performance tasks will include a rubric. Levels 1-4 Level 4: Exceeds standards (not all standards and/or assessments contain level 4 questions) Level 3: Meets standards Level 2: Progressing towards standards Level 1: Limited progress

Rubric example: Standard NBT1: Understands the relationship of place value. LEVEL 1 LEVEL 2 LEVEL 3 LEVEL 4 More than 4 incorrect 3-4 incorrect 0-2 incorrect + extension correct

Communication Green Folders Return to school pocket for homework Receive text messages from us using Remind Text @4thgrade44 to 81010 We send out weekly emails with the weekly newsletter, study guides, and more. If you haven’t received an email please let us know. Weekly Work Folders Green Folders Return to school pocket for homework Communication pocket for notes from home Conduct card, please sign every Tuesday, but review nightly Weekly Newsletter, lunch menus, reading log, behavior expectations

Teacher Websites Please visit our teacher websites for important dates, study resources, and more. Example Mrs. Hunt’s website:

Study Habits Biggest Difference for 4th grade: Your child WILL have to study at home. I provide study guides for every unit. These are given to your student, emailed, and placed on my website. A little bit each night goes a LONG way. QUIZLET for vocabulary studying and games.

Class Dojo A web-based program that helps track students’ behavior. In Class Dojo, students can earn points for positive behaviors such as being on task, following directions, helping others, etc. Students can also lose points for negative behaviors such as being off task, not following directions, etc. Students love being able to track their points.

DOJO REWARD CHART 10 Piece of Candy -or- Eraser 15 Pencil 25 Treasure Box 50 Teacher’s Chair -or- Staff Helper 75 Free Frozen Friday -or- Candy Bar 100 Lunch in Classroom with a Buddy -or- Second Recess

Name: _________________ Classroom Behavior Calendar: August Name: _________________ Sunday Monday   Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 *Please sign back 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 Conduct Key: 1-speaks out of turn 5-horseplay 9-arguing 2-excessive talking 6-not prepared for class 10-disrupts class 3-off task 7-not following directions 4-homework incomplete/missing 8-inappropriate transitions *Please sign the back of the conduct card each Tuesday.  

Discipline Plan Our grade level communication of behavior is as follows: The discipline board is designed to track your child’s behavior.  Your child will receive a discipline board for infractions such as disrespect, refusal to do class work, disruption of classroom, horseplay, profanity, throwing objects, or after receiving 5 tally marks in one day.   If your child receives a discipline board, you will be contacted via e-mail, phone, or through a note on the conduct card. After 3 discipline boards, your child will be referred to an administrator with a formal discipline report.   * Consistent and severe problems, such as disrespect, bullying, threatening, or cursing will be immediately referred to the principal.