Where are Agricultural Regions in Less Developed Countries? Ch.10 Agriculture Where are Agricultural Regions in Less Developed Countries?
World Agriculture Regions Fig. 10-5a: Locations of the major types of subsistence and commercial agriculture.
World Climate Regions Fig. 10-5b: Simplified map of the main world climate regions (see also Fig. 2.2).
Shifting Cultivation Humid Low-Latitude Climate regions (tropics) Smaller scale, tools & animals rarely used 2 main characteristics: - Slash & Burn Agriculture (= potash) - Cycle of planting & fallow Small villages & grow food on surrounding land Life span of land usually 3 yrs or less, return 6-20 yrs later to begin clearing again
Cont’d… Occupies approx. 25% of world’s land area; only 5% of world’s population engaged in it (more land per person) Declining practice due to switch to logging, cattle & cash crops Environmentally friendly?? Rain forest destruction
Pastoral Nomadism Form of subsistence agriculture based on herding of domesticated animals Dry climates 15 million people that occupy 20% of land area Milk, skins, hair not meat (trade) Size of herd = power/prestige
Cont’d… Animals depend on cultural & physical characteristics (Camel, sheep, goats) # of animals varies Strong sense of territoriality Considered an offshoot of sedentary agriculture not a precursor On the decline (modern technology, want land for other uses)
Intensive Subsistence Found in regions of higher pop. Density Smaller farms, result of division among family High ratio of farmers to arable land Most work done by hand or w/ animals Maximize space Wet Rice dominant vs. non