Never Say Goodbye
Pre-reading question Have you family ever moved from one place to another? If you have, how did you feel when you were going to be away from the old house for good? Where are you from? How did you feel when you had to leave your friends and family for university?
Text Analysis Part I (para1-4) The problem the author was confronted with. Part II (para5-13)Grandpa illustrates the meaning of “never say goodbye”. Part III (para14-20)The author’s understanding of “never say goodbye”.
Part One: (Paragraphs 1-4) Main idea: bringing up the problem the author was confronted with: it is hard to overcome the sadness as the moment of parting drew near. So he turned to his grandpa for help.
Para one Why was the author seized with the anguish of moving from his home?
Language points confront Anguish brief as it was gracefully Be touched with
Paragraph 2-4 Why did his grandfather advise him not to use the word “goodbye” to friends?
Language points haven porch shudder well Have one thing in common
Part Two: (Paragraphs 5-13) By narrating his sad experience of the loss of his eldest son during the war, grandpa illustrates how one can overcome the sad feeling resulting from the loss of someone dear to him by recalling not the moment of parting but the happy times spent together.
Questions Why did the author’s grandfather take him to see the rosebush in the front yard?
How to comprehend the last sentence of Para 9? It is not only the roses that are beautiful, Billy. Also, it is that special feeling you deeply cherish that makes them beautiful.
Language Points Look into hand in hand conspicuously It isn’t … that…
Para 10-13: The telling of the story related to the rosebush Para 10-13: The telling of the story related to the rosebush. The message of the text is conveyed in Para. 13
Language Points Hoarse Evil Tiny Give in to part
Para 14-20 These tell us about the illness of grandfather, about how the author bid farewell to his grandfather and how he responded to grandpa’s death. Why did grandfather want his bed to be next to the window?