Working group “Cultural statistics” 21. 05 Working group “Cultural statistics” 21.05.2010 Pocketbook - cultural employment
Data on employment can be broken down by the following variables: No matrix on “cultural employment” possible → data only on some NACE Rev.2 sectors and ISCO-88 occupations (EU-LFS 2009) (Please note that it was an error in the treatment of data 2008 included in the document - data 2009 will be sent to the countries in August/September for validation) Data on employment can be broken down by the following variables: age sex educational attainment level occupational status permanence of job full-time/part time second job work at home degree of urbanisation nationality size class of enterprises but often problem of the small sample size!...
:u – data unreliable
Questions: Aggregations? (e.g. 59+60) As % in services? (+ in total employment) Which breakdowns the most relevant?
EMPLOYMENT IN CULTURAL OCCUPATIONS BY ISCO(88) 243 Archivists, librarians, and related information professions 245 Writers and creative or performing artists
Questions: Which breakdowns the most relevant? Comparison in time, e.g. 2005-2009?