Primary Care Carers Support Service Supporting carers who have a significant or complex need within the Primary Care Setting
A direct referral route for GP’s and Health Care Professionals Urgent referrals contacted within 2 working days Routine referrals contacted within 10 working days
Service Overview For carers of adults aged 18+ Dedicated Carer Adviser in each Integrated Locality Team The carer and adviser working together to agree a support and wellbeing plan Carers can be supported face to face in the home or in a community setting The adviser will actively refer to other services and professionals An enhanced service in addition to the existing Carers Oxfordshire Service
Making a referral GP’s can refer carers using an EMIS proforma Import the EMIS referral proforma from the Referral Page on the OCCG website Send to -
What can the carer expect? Carers Assessment Planning for an emergency Emotional support Benefit check Referral to other services (OAB, Good Neighbour Scheme for transport) Link into support group
Primary Care Carers Support Service Manager Mel Wilkinson – 0755 7430 880