Balance Scale Addition • I can balance an equation using addition. • I need a balance scale and blocks.
Balance Scale Addition • I count three blocks on the left. • I place three blocks on the scale.
Balance Scale Addition • I count five blocks on the right. • I place five blocks on the scale.
Balance Scale Addition • I show the balance scale using my arms. The side with five blocks is heavier. It is not balanced. I need to add blocks to the 3 side. • I add one block to the three side but the scale is still not balanced.
Balance Scale Addition • I add one more block to make 5 on one side and 5 on the other. • The scale is now balanced. • I can show this on paper by drawing two circles to the three side.
Balance Scale Addition • So 2 circles and 3 circles is 5 circles. • 2 + 3 = 5 = • Or 3 circles and 2 circles is 5 circles. • 3 + 2 = 5 • All balanced and all done!