Reforming Society and Abolition Movement Chapter 15, Sections 3,4. Reforming Society and Abolition Movement
Dorothea Dix Found poor treatment of the mentally ill within Massachusetts’s jails. Worked for separate facilities for the mentally ill.
Orphaned children of the early and mid-1800s were often treated like little adults and expected to find their own ways to survive.
Horace Mann Leading voice in common school movement. Started teacher training schools.
Catherine Beecher Believed that women were superior to men in their ability to teach moral lessons.
Working to bring about the complete end to slavery. Abolition Movement Working to bring about the complete end to slavery.
Colonization Movement A plan to send free African-Americans to Africa to start new colonies.
William Lloyd Garrison The most outspoken and controversial abolitionist. Published “The Liberator” and founded the American Anti-slavery society.