Some remarks on the leading order imaging series Depth imaging of reflection data from a layered acoustic medium with an unknown velocity model Simon A. Shaw University of Houston M-OSRP Annual Meeting April 20th, 2005
Outline Motivation, objectives Background 1-D acoustic inverse series A leading order imaging series Analysis Conclusions
Motivation Current migration theory requires correct velocity model to give correct location Current methods for deriving the velocity model can be inadequate, especially for complex media More reservoirs beneath complex geology
Objective (of this research) To improve our ability to accurately locate reflectors, especially in areas where the velocity model is difficult to estimate
Objective (of this talk) To review the 1D constant density variable velocity acoustic leading order imaging series algorithm To better understand what it is what it does how it does it
Outline Motivation, objectives Background 1-D acoustic inverse series A leading order imaging series Analysis Conclusions
Background and review Inverse scattering series-based algorithms: Do not require any a priori subsurface information – no velocity model, no event picking, no moveout assumptions … Require the source wavelet Allow / require the data to get involved in their own processing. They are data-driven.
Background and review Scattering Theory is Perturbation Theory Relates Actual Field, G Reference Field, G0 difference between Actual Medium and Reference Medium properties, V
Actual Field = Reference Field + Scattered Field Background and review Actual Medium Reference Medium Perturbation L – L0 = V Actual Field = Reference Field + Scattered Field G G0 S
Actual Field = Reference Field + Scattered Field Background and review Actual Medium Reference Medium Perturbation L – L0 = V Actual Field = Reference Field + Scattered Field G G0 S Forward Problem
Actual Field = Reference Field + Scattered Field Background and review Actual Medium Reference Medium Perturbation L – L0 = V Inverse Problem Actual Field = Reference Field + Scattered Field G G0 S
Background and review Inverse Problem Measured Scattered Field Perturbation D V Solution for V is an infinite series in the data, D
Reference medium is never updated Inverse scattering series V = V1 + V2 + V3 + … Inverse Series is solution for V in terms of G0 and measured G Linear 2nd Order 3rd Order Nonlinear…. Data must multiply itself Reference medium is never updated
Linear inverse scattering V ≈ V1 Inverse Born approximation for V Linear Nonlinear…. Data must multiply itself Assumes G ≈ G0
Iterative linear G0 towards G Linear Linear Linear Repeated linear inverse Linear Linear Linear Updates G0 towards G E.g., velocity model updating
Reference medium is never updated Inverse scattering series Inverse Series is solution for V in terms of G0 and measured G Reference medium is never updated V = V1 + V2 + V3 + … Linear 2nd Order 3rd Order Multiplication: data events communicate with each other Nonlinear…. Data must multiply itself
Measured Scattered Field Background and review Seismic Inverse Problem Measured Scattered Field Moses (1956) Razavy (1975) Weglein et al. (1981) Stolt and Jacobs (1980) Perturbation V D Free-surface multiple removal Internal multiple removal Imaging in space Target identification
Imaging using the inverse series (Increasing realism) Production algorithm Embryonic concepts Prototype algorithm Analysis and testing Generalization Idea Non-linear, wavefield at depth Pattern, isolate subseries 2D, elastic, variable background Task separation Taylor series Risk time
Outline Motivation, objectives Background 1-D acoustic inverse series A leading order imaging series Analysis Conclusions
1D acoustic inverse problem
1D Earth, 3D wave propagation
Inverse scattering series Linear 2nd Order 3rd Order Nonlinear…. Data must multiply itself
1D acoustic inverse series
Outline Motivation, objectives Background 1-D acoustic inverse series A leading order imaging series Analysis Conclusions
where a1 is the data imaged with the constant reference velocity Leading order imaging series 1-D with offset where a1 is the data imaged with the constant reference velocity
Leading order imaging series 1-D/1-D
Leading order imaging series
Leading order imaging series
Leading order imaging series
Leading order imaging series
Leading order imaging series
Leading order imaging series
Leading order imaging series
Leading order imaging series
Communication with all deeper events Depth imaging without the velocity model z
+ Taylor Series at each mislocated interface Depth imaging without the velocity model + First term: image with the reference velocity Sum of second and higher terms Sum of imaging series
Outline Motivation, objectives Background 1-D acoustic inverse series A leading order imaging series Analysis Conclusions
How does it work? z A Shift: Taylor Series for: Wrong depth Correct depth
A cascaded series Shift = zb = correct depth zb zb = wrong depth zb = correct depth Shift = zb zb Coefficients hold the key to the correct depth (Depth correction) (Wrong depth, “time”) (Data amplitude) Required information resides in data’s amplitudes and travel times
Higher order imaging contributions (Innanen, 2005) Leading order shift 4R1 functions of p z Higher order imaging contributions (Innanen, 2005)
Reference/Actual velocity contrast: 10% Leading order imaging: 3 terms correction a1 Reference/Actual velocity contrast: 10%
Reference/Actual velocity contrast: 10% Sum 3 leading order terms correction a1 Reference/Actual velocity contrast: 10%
Reference/Actual velocity contrast: 10% Sum 5 leading order terms correction a1 Reference/Actual velocity contrast: 10%
Leading order imaging series
Closed Form (After R.G. Keys)
Convergence properties Converges for finite kz and Converges faster for low kz small
Depth errors ? When will Actual depth of reflector Depth of reflector predicted by reference (in a1) Depth of reflector predicted by LOIS
Depth errors, condition when Actual depth of reflector Depth of reflector predicted by reference (in a1) Reference vertical slowness Actual vertical slowness
Analytic example Two interfaces: Transmission coefficient is satisfied for prestack data independent of Reflector depths, (za, zb) Velocity, (z0, z1)
Random noise
Random noise
Coherent noise (internal multiples) Residual (internal) multiples have two effects: They will be imaged They will impact the location at which primaries are imaged
Coherent noise (internal multiples) Data travel times Image depths Residual internal multiple Residual internal multiple
Coherent noise (internal multiples) Data travel times Image depths Internal multiple Internal multiple
Coherent noise (internal multiples) Data travel times Image depths Residual internal multiple Residual internal multiple
Coherent noise (internal multiples) Data travel times Image depths Internal multiple Internal multiple
Outline Motivation, objectives Background 1-D acoustic inverse series A leading order imaging series Analysis Conclusions
Conclusions Inverse scattering series has ability to image reflectors in space without requiring or solving for the actual velocity An imaging subseries has been isolated that is an improvement over conventional imaging with the reference and has good convergence properties Numerical tests: leading order imaging series algorithm does not require zero frequency to provide benefit
Conclusions To improve imaging series accuracy and lessen low frequency dependence Keep contrasts smaller (use best background velocity estimation) Record lower frequencies: industry trend is to recording lower frequencies Results encouraging therefore 2D, 3D and elastic generalizations progressing
Acknowledgments Drs. Art Weglein, Ken Matson, Doug Foster, Hua-Wei Zhou and Stuart Hall Craig Cooper, Hugh Rowlett, Rob Habiger Bob Keys, Dennis Corrigan M-OSRP colleagues – Kris Innanen, Bogdan Nita, Fang Liu, Haiyan Zhang, Jingfeng Zhang, Einar Otnes, Adriana Ramirez M-OSRP sponsors, especially BP and ConocoPhillips