Feedback open / closed questiond You don’t know to be bad You are polite – please, keep this behavior So, ask question
Technical communication Course 3 Technical communication S.Motogna
Written presentation S.Motogna
What - Types of documents Documentations Technical repost: project Bachelor thesis User manual Scientific papers CV S.Motogna
Documentation Project – depinds on: Application – size, characteristics Roles Persons Tasks … Understandable by everyone (team, client, manager) => patterns, standards,… S.Motogna
Exemple S.Motogna
Included Documents Vision - file Proiect plan – file Iteration plan – file Use-cases – file Testing - file S.Motogna
Technical Report KISS – keep it short and simple Reread – detect/corect errors Respect format If it is not long enough? Extra info Understand text: Efficient use of vocabulary Efficient use of sentences Cohesion: “red thread” Style: 3rd person 1st person plural Time of verbs Punctuation S.Motogna
Visual communication
Actualy, visual spoken written
NOT this way Remote procedure call (RPC) is a technology that allows a computer program to cause a subroutine or procedure to execute in another address space (commonly on another computer on a shared network) without the programmer explicitly coding the details for this remote interaction. That is, the programmer would write essentially the same code whether the subroutine is local to the executing program, or remote. When the software in question is written using object-oriented principles, RPC may be referred to as remote invocation or remote method invocation. The idea of RPC goes back at least as far as 1976, when it was described in RFC 707. One of the first business uses of RPC was by Xerox under the name "Courier" in 1981. The first popular implementation of RPC on Unix was Sun's RPC (now called ONC RPC), used as the basis for Sun's NFS. ONC RPC is still widely used today on several platforms.
NOT this way Remote procedure call (RPC) is a technology that allows a computer program to cause a subroutine or procedure to execute in another address space (commonly on another computer on a shared network) without the programmer explicitly coding the details for this remote interaction.
1. PREPARE Research + documenting Sketch Organize Taking into consideration: subject, audience, time (!) Sketch Organize Plan and prepare visual effects
Slides Title/author/affiliation – 1 slide Abstract – idea / summary – 1 slide Agenda – 1 slide Fundamentals Motivation + problem statement 1-2 slides “related work” – 0-1 slide Method – 1-3 slides Results 4-6 slides Summary + conclusions – 0-1 slide Extra slides (for questions)
Slides – layout, style, a.s.o. You should use adequate page layout for each slide You may use header and footer to put title, name, no of slide It is recommended to have 3-5 ideas on each slide Do not write sentences (long); instead just write ideas Decide the characteristics of characters: color, size, font
Slides – layout, style, a.s.o. Use adequate page layout Use header / footer Ideas / slide: 3-5 No sentences (long) – only ideas Use of characters: color, size, font
Presentation TIPS & TRICKS Begin & end: most memorable INTRODUCTION - Who are you? - Qualification - Purpose: establish a communication with audience PRESENTATION - Capture attention - Oral comm.: 3V principle - Time: repeat before TIPS & TRICKS Begin & end: most memorable Begin: question, joke, promise, statement End: Mark the end, Conclusion, Re-iterate purpose, thanks TIPS & TRICKS - Do NOT read slides - Interact with audience - Position - Adequate use of effects
Presentation – Steve Jobs style DEMO Carmine Gallo – The presentation secrets of Steve Jobs
Planning “with the pen on the paper” “storyboard” How: Research Sketch Include demos, videos, … but “red thread”
Create a ”twitter” type description
Present your enemy Classical story between “good and bad” Create a bad hero – ally with audience Not necessary a competitor: a problem, a bug, …
Focus on benefits Ask “Why?” Which are the benefits? Not for you, for the client
Respect the rule of 3 3 (max 4) – memorable things “I give you 3 things” “I give you 3 arguments” …
Sell dreams, not products Do not concentrate on product, focus on vision Integration + future
Tools for presentations – including Tawe
Quiz Write a short email to a professor to ask for a tutoring meeting