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Presentation transcript:

Talk general structure The experiment Detector used for the experiment (largest system with MRPC) Structure of the telescopes Data transfer and processing  Francesco Coordinated runs Statistics from the coordinated runs  Fabrizio Upgrade Plans for the upgrade  Ivan New hardware (chambers  Ivan, electronics  M.Paola, gas  Silvia) Tests on the new chambers  Ivan

Talk general structure 2 Chambers and telescopes performance  Daniele Search for coincidences Some plot of coincidences  Francesco Statistics of coincidences vs. distance  Francesco Comparison with MC  Marco Search for long distance correlations, multimessangers  Franco, Paola Forbush decreases  Ivan Plots about past Forbush decreases

Talk general structure 3 Search for anysothropy  Franco, Paola Upward-going muons  Marcello Possible measures  Marcello flux/integral distribution muons E>Emin @ sea level flux/integral distribution slow muons @ sea level Primary spectrum vs. energy (multeplicity) EW effect, angular distributions Moon Shadow Measure in the mine  Corrado Collaborations Santiago de Compostela, HiSparc, Virgo

Talk general structure 4 PolarQuEEEst Mission and experiment outline  Marco First results  Francesco