Talk general structure The experiment Detector used for the experiment (largest system with MRPC) Structure of the telescopes Data transfer and processing Francesco Coordinated runs Statistics from the coordinated runs Fabrizio Upgrade Plans for the upgrade Ivan New hardware (chambers Ivan, electronics M.Paola, gas Silvia) Tests on the new chambers Ivan
Talk general structure 2 Chambers and telescopes performance Daniele Search for coincidences Some plot of coincidences Francesco Statistics of coincidences vs. distance Francesco Comparison with MC Marco Search for long distance correlations, multimessangers Franco, Paola Forbush decreases Ivan Plots about past Forbush decreases
Talk general structure 3 Search for anysothropy Franco, Paola Upward-going muons Marcello Possible measures Marcello flux/integral distribution muons E>Emin @ sea level flux/integral distribution slow muons @ sea level Primary spectrum vs. energy (multeplicity) EW effect, angular distributions Moon Shadow Measure in the mine Corrado Collaborations Santiago de Compostela, HiSparc, Virgo
Talk general structure 4 PolarQuEEEst Mission and experiment outline Marco First results Francesco