ADEA NEWS ADEA Fall meeting follow-up Upcoming ADEA annual session A final note on ‘burnout’
ADEA Principal Officers Update The principal officers met with the Executive Board of the COF and discussed their focus Dr. Assael’s big concerns are resilience and stress that faculty endure as teachers Dr. MacNeil spoke on licensure and portability and the importance of collaboration
ADEA Principal Officers Update Members of the executive board of the Council of Deans discussed their focus: Drs. Michael Reddy, Mary Truhlar and Steve Friedrichsen Initial Licensure and portability CCI 2.0-How the Deans envision the future of dental education ADEA student chapters Cost of education Competency assessment and how it fits into initial licensure
Council of Faculties Initiatives ADEA Goals CoF Initiatives Professional Development Promoting weTeach and MedEdPortal Preparing Future-Ready Practitioners Portability of licensure (working with Council of Deans as appropriate) Engaging Students Facilitating ADEA school chapters (working with the council of Deans)
ADEA Principal Officers Update […] resilience and stress […] (emotional) exhaustion depersonalization reduced personal efficacy The 3 components or dimensions of a clinical case of burnout.
Board of Directors Report Presented by Dr. Ryan Quock (two main topics) Issues at the National Level Collaboration with National Academy of Medicine (formerly Institute of Medicine) on clinician well-being and resilience Associated American Dental Schools Application Service- now schools can request up to 10 specific questions which AADSAS will implement on their behalf to hopefully decrease amount of secondary material requested by schools of students
BOD Report cont’d Licensure- ADA, ADEA, ASDA Joint Task Force Drs. Monty MacNeil and Cecile Feldman serve for the DL-OSCE Trying to inform state boards how schools are accredited and what we do to assess competency in the school curricula International Level International Dental Education Association (IDEA) was incorporated summer 2017 as a subsidiary of ADEA Current President from Iowa wants to strengthen relationship with ADEA
MedEd Portal Update New interface No login required to search iCollaborative resources are being phased out Will be indexed in PubMed WeTeach Advisory board will work with COF Secretary to create a simple guide for first time submitters