When virtual becomes reality!! First exchange between the colleges of Padule and Swanmore technology Monday 13 to Sunday 19th June 2011 Arrival of our penfriends Such an expected day!!!!
Our penfriends arrived at Napoleon Bonaparte Airport late Monday afternoon, with Air France. We were all very excited to meet each other!!! Bonjour! Comment allez- vous?
After arrival, our penfriends went to their respective families and tried to get on with Corsican life.
We had prepared a very varied and fun programme for their stay Valentin Dalakupeyan Louis Bianchini
Tuesday, June 14th, visit of the Padule college. The correspondants visited the college, and attended different classes.
They tasted the canteen, and that day,it was quite delicious Menu delicatessen with butter, chips with meat, and ice cream or chocolate mousse !! Miam, miam!
Tuesday afternoon the cultural quiz. The cultural quiz, : a big challenge for both French and Englsih pupils. There were questions of geography, history, personalities
Some of the questions… Who is this person ? Who is this singer ? What are these monuments ? Big Ben, Eiffel tower, Notre Dame… Thibault Delorme Jean- Philiippe Mattei
Wednesday, June 15th Visit of Ajaccio : Treasure Hunt Our English correspondent was involved in a treasure hunt. The goal was to bring as much evidence and to answer as many questions as possible. How much is a copy of Corse matin? Name 3 Specialities from Corsica
Welcome reception and visit of the town hall We were welcomed by the Deputy Mayor at the town hall of Ajaccio and a guide of the tourist office did an English tour of the Napoleonic room.. The 3 teachers from Swanmore college
Pick-nick on the "place miot" We had a pick-nick in a park. We enjoyed the different games and had a lot of fun.
Direction, Napoleons house ! Napoleons house made us all dream with beautiful objects, paintings. Napoleon was rather tall or small?
Shopping time Time to buy souvenirs and to eat a delicious ice-cream. Mathieu Savelli Bruno Membrut
A hot day trip to La Parata ! We went to the Parata a peninsula with a Genoese tower where many people of Ajaccio go for a walk. Thursday, June 16th
There we made an orienteering course, It was very tiring but it was still very fun ! Then we went to picknick in a small forest. It was very good and fresh!!!!!!
After, we went on the beach, it was amazing for the correspondants, because they discovered the mediterranean sea ! Andréa Stefanaggi Estelle Andreucci
A day out at Vero doing tree-climbing A day out at Vero doing tree-climbing Friday, June 17th
On friday, we experienced tree-climbing in Vero. A short briefing before starting the activities. A very attentive audience Ready for some adventure?
When teachers are trying tree-climbing. Oh my gosh!
Students turn now: better than the teachers Julien Cossu Romain Catella
On saturday, Corsican families and their penfriends went to the beach to enjoy the warm and nice weather. On saturday, Corsican families and their penfriends went to the beach to enjoy the warm and nice weather. Saturday, June 18th
After the beach we ate in restaurant, or went to the market of Ajaccio.
The farewell party Sniff! Sniff! We ate pizzas, quiches, many delicious dishes prepared by parents. The huge buffet The farewell speeches
The English teachers gave the prizes for the big challenge competition and the cultural quiz. The winners Philippe Caamano Marc-Antoine Guerbigny The French pupils sang some Corsican songs
Farewell Ajaccio Our penfriends left Ajaccio to England on Sunday morning, after a very enjoyable week.
Valentin Dalakupeyan Louis Bianchini See you in June