Mineral formation
Warm-up What factors affect how a mineral forms? How long do you think it takes to form a crystal?
Minerals are Formed by: Crystallisation from a melt Crystalline interlocking texture so rarely euhedral Major minerals – quartz, feldspar, mica
Minerals are Formed by: Metamorphic Recrystallisation Crystalline interlocking texture often with overgrowths Major minerals – calcite, garnet
Minerals are Formed by: Evaporation Crystalline usually euhedral Major minerals – halite
Minerals are Formed by: Crystallisation as cement from flowing pore waters Crystalline very fine grained holds clasts together Major minerals – quartz, calcite
Minerals are Formed by: Crystallisation from hydrothermal fluids Crystalline in veins and faults crystallises out from supersaturated fluids when cools Major minerals – gangue, quartz, calcite, ores: haematite, galena
Factors that affect crystal growth Size/shape of environment Temperature Pressure Seed crystal
Size of environment Bigger the space, bigger the crystal
Temperature Longer it takes to cool (stays warm longer) the bigger the crystals can get
Pressure Changes shape/ alignment of crystals
Seed crystals Allows for a “blueprint” for crystal growth