Wednesday, Sept 19th, 2017 OBJ: SW do well on quiz Wednesday, Sept 19th, 2017 OBJ: SW do well on quiz. WU: What is the Law of Supposition? Agenda: Take quiz How do we know evolution happens? Video Homologous Structures vs Analogous Structures Definitions Color the bones (if time allows) HW: none
How do we Know Evolution Happens? What can we learn from fossil evidence? What specific fossil evidence points to the whale's evolution from land to water?
Homologous structures Body parts that are similar in position, structure and EVOLUTIONARY origin, but not function. Like the tetrapod limbs we look at yesterday.
Analogous Body parts that are similar in function, but NOT position, structure and EVOLUTIONARY origin
Bones shown in the same color are homologous The supports for the insect wings are not homologous with the bones of the bat or the bird wings.