The Average Year Nine Pupil
What do we mean by the Average year 9 Pupil? What is an Average? Which average is best? Is there anything else we need to consider?
What maths will we need to find the average year nine pupil?
To find the average you will need to gather some information first. Getting information You will need to use.... Questionnaires Measuring instruments
How can you display the information you gather? Charts and Graphs are important Will you use a simple Bar Chart? How can you split the information between the two genders? It is important to show proportion. How can you include Fractions and Percentages?
How can you show how the information is “spread” What things are you going to need to show? Some ideas might be...... Size of family – number of pets – favourites Percentages - Fractions
You will have a few lessons to produce an answer As usual the answer will be by way of A3 size poster The marks will be gained for content and clarity of work
The AVERAGE Year Nine Pupil He prefers.. He has... She prefers.. She has...
You must now decide what you are going to do! Remembering your PLTS, consider group working skills and allocate work to the person best suited to the role. There are several tasks involved in this investigation.....
Decide which information you will analyse Design a suitable method for data collection Gather the information Analyse the information Produce a simple yet effective A3 poster detailing your results.
Approximate timescales Design the Data collection sheets Analyse the information Gather the information Produce the poster