South Africa Original inhabitants were Africans who were hunters and gatherers. They were called the “San” or “Bushmen”. They spoke one of many “Bantu” languages.
1652 Dutch citizens arrived at the cape to attempt to set up a refreshment station for ships.
1652-1807 Between 1652 and 1807 slaves from Asia and Africa are imported to the Slave Lodge at Cape Town.
1770 1770 marked the beginning of a series of wars between the Bantu speaking Africans and the Europeans.
1795 The British conquer the Cape.
1820 Shaka Zulu emerges as a power among the native Africans.
1838 The Great Trek – The Dutch known as the Boers travel north out of the Cape and get into a bloody battle with the Zulus.
1867 Diamonds are discovered in South Africa.
1870’s African Laborers are confined to mining compounds and are not allowed in the cities.
1899 Second Anglo-Boer War. In 1902 the British win and annex the South African townships.
1933 Many Africans unite against Afrikaner Apartheid. Apartheid is the official policy of racial segregation in South Africa.
1944 The ANC (African National Congress) Youth League is created. One of the founders is Nelson Mandela.
1940’s and 1950’s Many laws are passed limiting the freedoms and rights of native Africans in South Africa.
Common Laws of the Apartheid Prohibition of Mixed Marriages Act, Act No 55 of 1949 Immorality Amendment Act, Act No 21 of 1950; amended in 1957 (Act 23) Population Registration Act, Act No 30 of 1950 Group Areas Act, Act No 41 of 1950 Suppression of Communism Act, Act No 44 of 1950 Separate Representation of Voters Act, Act No 46 of 1951
1952 The Defiance Campaign is launched by the ANC.
1959 Bantu Self Government Act gave native people their own land made up of barren and remote regions equaling 13 percent of the countries size.
1960’s – 1980’s International sanctions against South Africa and conflict between Zulus and other South African native people. Nelson Mandela is sentenced to life in prison for his efforts in 1964.
1990 Nelson Mandela is released from prison.
1994 Nelson Mandela is sworn in as president of South Africa and Apartheid ends.