English /28/16 Write on a subject of your choice.


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Presentation transcript:

English 10 - 11/28/16 Write on a subject of your choice. If you ate pasta and antipasta, would you still be hungry? Wonk – slang for someone who studies excessively. “Know” spelled backwards. Goals –Poetic language exploration. Discuss reasons and purposes for memorizing and reciting poetry. Poem approvals. Homework – Print two poems to analyze it for approval tomorrow. Don’t forget to study for quiz #11 Friday. A polar bear

English 10 - 11/29/16 Respond to the video recital, “Somewhere in America.” The old farmer tried fish farming once, but had to give it up when his combine kept getting stuck in the lake. Autology – the scientific study of oneself. Goals – Learning about interpreting poems. Selecting two poems. Poem aprovals. Homework – Print two poems to analyze them for approval tomorrow. Don’t forget to study for quiz #11 Friday.

English 10 - 11/30/16 Listen to and mark Rondeau. Then respond on your opener. Why did the atoms cross the road? Ululate – to howl or hoot. Goals – Map the tone of your poem. Learn memorization technique and take notes. Homework – Write out your poem on your daily work sheet. Try to write each line from memory. Read it aloud before going to bed and when you wake up. It was time to split.

English 10 - 12/1/16 Listen to and mark “Do Not Go Gentle into that Good Night.” Find and mark at least two units of meaning. Then respond on your opener. Did you hear about the corduroy pillows? Tintinnabulation – The sound of bells ringing. Goals – Recite your poems with partners. Brainstorm good habits and bad habits. Start thinking of how to “punch it.” Do more memorization writing and reciting. Homework – Write out your poem on your daily work sheet. Try to get your entire poem memorized. Random recital and reading with informal evaluation will be occurring tomorrow after quiz 11. Don’t forget to study for quiz 11. They are making headlines aren’t they?

English 10 - 12/2/16 Five minutes to prepare for Vocab. #11. Why did the cookie visit the doctor? Tinnitus – a ringing sound in the head. Goals –Complete vocabulary study #11. Work on memorization and reciting for your friends. Homework – Practice saying your first poem from memory. Be prepared to recite for me in class on Monday. He felt crumby.