Zoning Code Amendment - Emergency Shelters, Limited City Council Meeting November 18, 2013
Background California law requires that if the City has an unmet need, must allow shelters by right Consequence of not meeting State law State could decide to not certify 2014-21 Housing Element Pasadena has an unmet need of 89 beds Pasadena Housing Element spells out a program for the City to amend its Zoning Code to allow shelters by right
Summary Create use called Emergency Shelters, Limited which would allow up to 12 persons Allow use in zoning districts that are away from residential areas, not allow use in Northwest Have separation requirements between homeless shelters Create distance requirement from residential district Establish specific standards for this use
Study Area - West Area located in Central District and So. Fair Oaks Specific Plan Bounded by Del Mar on North, Marengo on east, Pasadena Ave. and Hospital on west, City boundary on south
Study Area - West An emergency shelter and an intake and counseling center in the area A variety of health care providers are within close proximity The area is well served with transit and bus lines
Study Area - West The area has a mixture of commercial and light industrial uses that are compatible with emergency shelters Compared to the CG District, area is large enough that Emergency Shelters, Limited could be located away from residential zoning districts 49 percent of the lots are 10,000 sq. ft. or less and, only 19 percent of the lots are greater than 25,000 sq. ft.
Study Area - East STUDY AREA - EAST
Study Area - East Location: Bounded by Colorado on south, Foothill on the north, Freeway on the East and Sierra Madre Blvd. on west Area is located near medical facilities that serve the homeless, not close to residential districts The area consists of light industrial uses and could accommodate the proposed use
Study Area - East The area has 135 lots of which 57% of lots are 10,000 sq. ft. or less Eloise Ave. is primarily residential in use and shelters would not be allowed on this street
Separation Requirements Separation requirement of 300 ft. from other emergency shelters 300 ft. is maximum under State law Separation from R districts Distance of 150 ft. from residential zones
Possible Sites Study Areas were mapped using proposed separation and distance requirements Study Area - West had 24 possible sites Study Area - East had 13 sites possible sites Sites on Eloise Ave eliminated leaving 35 potential sites with a maximum of 420 beds
Possible Sites - Study Area - West
Possible Sites - Study Area - East
Operational Standards Admission between 7:00 AM and 10:00 PM Lodging and meals for guests and staff only At least one paid staff, guest storage space Parking shall be 1 space for every 4 beds No outdoor waiting area Staff and counseling services provided to find permanent housing and income
Operational Standards Temporary shelters for residents no more than six continuous months The provider shall have a written management plan for: Staff training, neighborhood outreach, security, screening, counseling, training, and exit strategy
Conclusion Consistent with the City’s strategy for homelessness Consistent with Proposed General Plan Adopt Proposed Negative Declaration and Findings required by Zoning Code, and approve this amendment
Recommendation Adopt a Negative Declaration Adopt the findings of consistency that the amendment is: In conformance with the goals, policies, and objectives of the General Plan Would not be detrimental to the public interest, health, safety, convenience, or general welfare of the City
Recommendation Approve the amendments to the Zoning Code as outlined in the Council report Approve Planning Commission recommendation that after three years, there be a review of the ordinance to determine if there is still an unmet need for shelter beds and whether the ordinance should be amended
Zoning Code Amendment - Emergency Shelters, Limited City Council Meeting November 18, 2013
Unmet Need Under State law City has an unmet need of 318 beds 215 persons are chronically homeless who do not avail themselves of temporary shelters Strategy is to place the chronically homeless into permanent housing thus reducing the number of beds needed Unmet need is 89 emergency shelter beds