February 10-13, 2017 Bell-ringer Bell-ringers due! You should have 8: Half sheet: “1. The woman…” Half sheet: “1. John McKay who lives across…“ Half sheet: “1. The girl who won the…“ “1. The plants leaves…“ Non-restrictive vs. Restrictive Adjective Clauses “1. The man who had the handlebar…“ “1. Patterson Tower the recently…” “1. The babys name…” **SATURDAY TUTORING: Analysis of Literary Text
Objectives You will analyze several high scoring essays from the 2016 STAAR test by color coding and identifying key elements in order to further develop your own writing style You will color-code your own BM essay and write a brief analysis as to why you scored the way you did and examine ways to improve your next writing piece
SSR Rubric
Color Code Hook: pink Thesis: orange Examples: emotional—purple logical—green Counterargument: brown Call to Action: red Circle WOWs in blue Circle transitions in gray/pencil
On the back of the essay you received, answer these questions: Analysis On the back of the essay you received, answer these questions: What are this essay’s strengths? What are its weaknesses? How can they improve their essay?