mSCOA F.A.Q PORTAL QUERY STATISTICS Presented by National Treasury: Cornéll Botha 30 JANUARY 2018 1
mSCOA F.A.Q. Portal Number QUERIES LOGGED per mSCOA Chart Release Intervals 5 Aug 2016 (Chart VER. 6) – 4 Nov 2016 (VER 6.1 released) Grand Total | 112 National Treasury
mSCOA F.A.Q. Portal Number QUERIES LOGGED per mSCOA Chart Release Intervals 5 Aug 2016 (Chart VER. 6) – 4 Nov 2016 (VER 6.1 released) Grand Total | 11211111 National Treasury
mSCOA F.A.Q. Portal Number QUERIES LOGGED per mSCOA Chart Release Intervals 5-8-2016_4-11-2016 National Treasury
mSCOA F.A.Q. Portal Number QUERIES LOGGED per mSCOA Chart Release Intervals 4 Nov 2016 (Chart VER. 6.1) – 29 Jan 2018 (VER 6.2 released 7 Dec 2017) Grand Total | 36711111 National Treasury
mSCOA F.A.Q. Portal Number QUERIES LOGGED per mSCOA Chart Release Intervals 4-11-2016_29-1-2018 National Treasury
mSCOA F.A.Q. Portal Going forward…, Any changes to the mSCOA locked chart will go through the Technical mSCOA Committee and as follows: Any municipality, municipal entity, National and/ or Provincial department or any other stakeholder may request for changes and/ or additions to the mSCOA chart by formally logging a request on the mSCOA Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) Database; Register as a user on the FAQ Database. It is important to note that any requests logged otherwise than through the FAQ Database will NOT be considered; When requesting a change to the mSCOA chart, ensure that you select one of the following options from the FAQ Database options; Request for a change to the mSCOA chart; and/ or Request for an addition to the mSCOA chart. To enable the National Treasury to recommend any change and/ or addition to the Technical mSCOA Committee, it is crucial that any request is accompanied by adequate supporting information and/ or explanation; All requests logged on the FAQ Database, will be submitted to the Technical SCOA Committee for consideration. If the Technical mSCOA Committee approves a change and/ or addition, the National Treasury will update the mSCOA chart accordingly. Any such approved changes and/ or additions will only apply from the next new release of the mSCOA chart and reporting framework (1 July of the next MTREF budget cycle). Any decision of the Technical mSCOA Committee will be final. National Treasury
mSCOA F.A.Q. Portal To enable the National Treasury to recommend any change and/ or addition to the Technical mSCOA Committee, it is crucial that any request is accompanied by adequate supporting information and/ or explanation; All requests logged on the FAQ Database, will be submitted to the Technical SCOA Committee for consideration. If the Technical mSCOA Committee approves a change and/ or addition, the National Treasury will update the mSCOA chart accordingly. Any such approved changes and/ or additions will only apply from the next new release of the mSCOA chart and reporting framework (1 July of the next MTREF budget cycle). Any decision of the Technical mSCOA Committee will be final.