“SOFT SKILLS” FOR COLLEGE, CAREER AND . . . LIFE! Linal Miller, Career Readiness Specialist El Segundo High School PTA November 4, 2015
What are soft skills?
Initiative Time Management Follow-through Good attendance Integrity Reliability Responsibility Diligence Time Management Positive Attitude Ability to accept criticism Resilience Adaptability Honesty Resourcefulness Follow-through Ability to make ethical decisions Self-direction Grit Ability to self-advocate People Skills Flexibility Motivation Teamwork Ability to work productively in new cultural settings
Why are they lacking?
Some say it’s because of helicopter parents Are YOU a helicopter parent?
If your teen fails a test or gets a bad grade, do you contact their teacher to find out why he/she did poorly? Ability to self-advocate
When your teen is not successful in something, do you make excuses or blame others for their failure? Resilience, ability to accept criticism, responsibility
Grit, adaptability, perseverance Have you ever called the counselor or the principal to change your student’s schedule because a teacher wasn’t a good match or “didn’t like” your son/daughter? Grit, adaptability, perseverance
Do you help your teen with their homework or projects and sometimes do more than you should? Diligence, responsibility, problem-solving, perseverance, self-direction, follow-through, time management
Do you clean your teen's room, do their laundry, and put their clothes away for them on a regular basis? Responsibility, initiative, follow-through
Do you think it is OK to call a college to complain about your teen's roommate, housing, class schedule, grades, etc.? Adaptability, interpersonal skills, ability to seek help when needed, ability to interact with others, flexibility, ability to work productively in new cultural settings
Do you schedule appointments or meetings for your teen or sign them up for things without talking to them first? Responsibility, self-direction, interpersonal skills, time management
Do you call the parents of your teen's friend to smooth over a fight they are having? Interpersonal skills, ability to interact well with others, problem-solving
Do you attend all of your teen's sports practices or club events? Grit, resilience, self-direction, good attendance, teamwork, time management, reliability
Have you planned out your teen’s college plans, career path, and/or future? Ability to make decisions, responsibility, self-direction, initiative, intrinsic motivation, time management
Do you find yourself competing with other parents about your child’s social, academic, or activity skills? Self-direction, motivation, initiative, integrity
Have you ever excused your teen’s tardy or absence with a lie or half-truth? Honesty, integrity, attendance, punctuality
Handouts and articles
Healthy Parenting Model Coaching (from the sidelines) 13-18 yrs. Training 6-12 yrs. Discipline 1-5 yrs.
Closing video
Questions and comments